𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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"Mind telling me why you're also here?" You turn to Senku who was wearing a lazy expression while picking at his ear. Gyu sweatdrops and Senku just raises his brow at you.

"Why else? I'm here to study botany of course. What better way to do that than in a flower festival?" He states bluntly.

Your eye twitched as he looked around the place, seemingly looking at the different types of plants. Gyu just chuckles at Senku and readied his camera. "Well, we have a lot of pictures to take. Might as well enjoy the festival with your friend while we're at, right?" He smiles at you but you could sense a small amount of disappointment in his tone. Senku didn't fail to notice this too and smirked. Just as he planned.

Going around the festival, you noticed that there were a lot of couples roaming about. "Seems like love is in the air huh?" Gyu chuckles. Before you could respond, Senku cut you off, "Actually, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor are in the air." He smirks.

"Stop being such a smart ass and enjoy the festival." You laugh and pull at Senku's cheek which he weakly slapped away. As you say this, you take a picture of some flowers Senku was inspecting. "What flower is this?"

Before you could reply to Senku, it was Gyu's turn to cut him off as he purchased the same flower from the vendor and gave it to you. "It's a pink camellia, and in flower language, it means longing for someone." The redhead smiled at you, hoping that you got the hint.

You did, but decided to ignore it for now, "Oh, t-thanks."

Senku watched in the sidelines. It was obvious you weren't interested, he sighed in relief at that.

After a few hours of taking pictures and looking around the festival, lunch came around. You decided to eat in that cafe you three saw.

As you entered, the scent of coffee entered your mouth. It made you perk up and look at the menu. They had a few dishes you were interested in but ultimately, you decided to get some cheesecake and your drink of choice. The boys finished ordering and placed their food on the table. Quite an awkward silence had enveloped you all as you started to eat. You had no energy to even break the tension seeing as you were really tired of all the shit that happened today.

Gyu had definitely been leaving you hints that you purposefully ignored. You didn't exactly know how to let him down gently and his constant hinting wasn't helping either. And don't get me wrong, Gyu wasn't doing this in a creepy way at all. He was really awkward and it showed that even he didn't know what to do with his feelings. All that pent-up confusion resulted in him acting really awkward and maybe a bit too swift on making his moves. Gyu pitied himself at his inexperience. He really did mess up, but he could salvage what was left of today and at least confess.

You stood up and excused yourself out of the cafe, "I'll be finishing up the pictures. You two just give me a call if you're done, ok?" You say to your companions and immediately went for the door but not before you hear Senku tell you to, "Stay safe."

Walking out of the cafe, you turn on your camera for the final time today and tried looking for the perfect subjects. You had definitely been eager to get everything done so you can finally rest after working so hard for the past few weeks. Picture after picture, you take them and even stop to smell the flowers from time to time.

Then all of a sudden-


From the corner of your eye, you could see and hear the flash of a camera. It definitely did not come from yours. You look for the source of the flash and see Gyu, who took your picture.

You silently chuckle, "I dunno about your but if I remember correctly, our theme is flowers. Not people."

It was Gyu's turn to chuckle, "And I dunno about you, but you're the most beautiful flower I've seen all day."

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now