𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝

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Dinner had been quite uneventful besides all the talking both your father and Byakuya did. You excused yourself as soon as you finished eating, reason being that you had homework to do. You received nods from your parents and your father telling you that they would probably come home late. You smile and nod, fully knowing how much your parents enjoy talking with Byakuya.

"Senku, be a gentleman and walk her home." Byakuya says in a teasing manner. Senku looks at him with a flustered expression, "Ten steps and she's gonna be at her house, I don't need to escort her." He retaliated.

Agreeing with Senku, you swiftly made your way towards your house, which was just in front of his. As you walk, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Being in the same room as Senku was admittedly a bit stressful for you, seeing as you've only discovered your true feelings for the male.

Once you made it to your front door, you hastily went in and made sure to lock it. You quickly changed your clothes into more comfy ones and plopped onto your bed lazily. As your eyes slowly start to close, you could feel your phone vibrate in your pocket.

Cursing whoever decided to call you at such an inconvenient time, you answered it without checking the caller ID.

"Look outside your window."

"Ew no, you creepy stalker."

"(Y/n), I swear to god."

"Aight I see you, lettuce boy."

Gazing down, you could clearly see Senku standing outside of your house while holding what seems to be an opened pack of strawberry milk.

"Dumbass, you left this."

You contemplate whether it would be worth it to come downstairs and get the milk.

"Keep it, I'm too lazy to go downstairs."

Senku just sighs, ends the call, and went towards your front door.

You could soon hear a clicking sound and an opening door.

Soon enough Senku barged into your room without much thought and placed the strawberry milk on your desk. You muttered a small thank you and plopped down your bed again. "I also brought some brownies since my old man wanted you to try some." He added. "Yeah thanks, tell him that I really appreciate it." You lazily waved your hand as you spoke.

Senku just stared at you and facepalmed.

"Okay, what's wrong?"

You looked at him with a confused expression, as if asking him what he meant.

"You lied about us having homework to do so you could leave early, it's like you're trying to run away from something."

Staring at the boy before you, you finally let it sink in. You have a crush on Senku. And him worrying about you like this as if he knows every little thing about you isn't helping. He just keeps on staring at you with such a serious face that you couldn't help but look away.

"It's nothing." You sit up to get some milk but Senku stops you before you can even grab it. "It's obviously something if you actually think you need to lie about it. Tell me." Crimson eyes meet with (e/c) ones, one trying to read whatever was on his friend's mind.

You break eye contact before your blush became noticeable. "I've just been thinking." You lie down on your bed and felt another weight beside you. "About what?" You turn to your side and were met face to face with Senku. "About my secret admirer." You lie, although technically you were thinking about him at the back of your mind. Senku hums in understanding. "Why though?"

You sigh for the nth time today. "I don't wanna hurt his feelings." Senku looks at you with a blank stare. "What about all that talk about him being an exception and you actually considering going out with him?" You stop for a bit. "I was just caught up in the moment. I'm sure he's a nice guy. Just... I don't know, I can't bring myself to like him when I don't even know who he is." You trail off. Senku takes in your small rant before nodding. "What would you do if he were to reveal himself?" He asked. You thought for a moment.

"I'd still probably reject him." Senku was surprised at your response. "What happened to the 'seeing the good in everyone' mindset you had?"

"It's still there, I just don't think all this romance shit would benefit me in any way besides having someone who would worry and take care of me. I already have you doing that for me anyways." You say nonchalantly, not even thinking of how it would sound on the receiving end. And what you said was a lie, you didn't think about romance like that, you just wanted to hide what you really felt and your feelings for your best friend.

After a few minutes of silence, you grew worried and turned towards Senku. He was staring into nothingness as if he was lost in his own little world. Before you could ask him what was wrong, he stood up and stretched.

"I better go, we still have school tomorrow."

You wanted to protest and tell him to stay but you stopped yourself.

"Sure, try not to die on your way home." You joke and you can hear Senku chuckle a bit, "I'll try not to." He sent a smirk your way and made his way out.

As you hear your door close and made sure Senku was gone, you grabbed a nearby pillow and screamed into it.

"That lettuce-haired nerd is driving me insane."

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now