𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐬

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Little nine-year-old Senku looked out the window as a moving van stopped next to their house. "Seems like we have new neighbors, wanna greet them?" Byakuya says as he ruffled Senku's hair. He frowns when Senku shook his head, "It's unnecessary." Byakuya crossed his arms at his son's response. Senku is a child who didn't think having friends was necessary and only cared about his interests, which consisted of action figures and comics. This left him with hardly any friends.

"Tell me if you change your mind then." Byakuya walked off, leaving Senku to curiously look out the window as foreign faces start to pile out of a car. His interest was caught by a small girl who was probably around his age, she was hiding behind her dad who was looking at the house. The little girl tiredly looked around, as if she was sleepy. Her father laughed at her expression and shook her a bit, taking her out of her half-asleep state.

Senku chuckled at this, the girl was funny to him. When he looked at the girl again, he was shocked to see her looking directly at him. A few minutes of staring passed, the girl smiled and waved at him. Senku, however, did not return the gesture and walked away from the window which left the little girl to frown.

As Senku made his way to the couch, he notices Byakuya carrying a plate of cookies. "What's that for?" He asks, Byakuya smiles. "For our new neighbors of course. Wanna come along?" Byakuya asks once again, and this time Senku nods much to his father's surprise.

Both of them made their way to their neighbor's door. Byakuya lightly knocked hearing a faint "Hold on!" from the other side. A few thuds were heard before a tall man opens the door looking a bit disheveled.

"I'm sorry, we're in the middle of unpacking." The man chuckles and tries to fix his messy hair. Both Senku and Byakuya were a bit confused at a few words. The man speaks a bit in Korean and switches to Japanese halfway. It was a bit broken but understandable.

"It's okay, we understand." Byakuya chuckles, "I'm Ishigami Byakuya, and this little kid hiding behind me is Senku." Byakuya nudges Senku to walk forward and show himself. Senku bows in respect and looks a the man. "I'm (L/n) (D/n), it's nice to meet you." He bows as well and raises his head to show both of them a toothy grin.

"We got these cookies for you guys, I hope you enjoy them." (D/n) smiles at Byakuya's statement and calls over his wife.

This time, a woman walks out. She smiles at her neighbors and bows. "I'm (L/n) (M/n), I hope you were able to understand my husband. He speaks Korean and broken Japanese from time to time but he's trying his best." The woman raises her head and chuckles, looking at her husband who was taking the cookies inside.

(M/n)'s eyes land on Senku and she crouched down to be at his eye level. "I heard your name was Byakuya," The woman looked at the said male before looking back at Senku. "Who's this little cutie?" She asks playfully, trying her best not to reach out and pinch little Senku's cheeks.

Byakuya chuckles at Senku as the little boy tries to hide behind him. "His name is Senku." He replies and steps away from Senku so (M/n) can have a clear view of the said boy.

She smiles as she stands up. "Now that I remember, my kid's probably around his age." She says and looks back inside their house. "She's sound asleep though, maybe you'll meet her later." She says with a grin, then bows once again.

"I'm very sorry to cut this short. We're pretty busy with all the unpacking. Thank you very much for the cookies, it's a very kind gesture."

Byakuya nods with a smile on his face. With that, (M/n) waves and closed the door. The older male looks at his son with a grin, "You were hoping to meet their kid right?" He asks and ruffles the younger one's hair.

Senku's looks away and huffs. "As if." He mumbles and turns around, running off to somewhere else making Byakuya chuckled at his son's shyness.

Byakuya flinches when he feels a small hand tug at his pants. "He wants to meet me?" He looks down and sees a small girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, she spoke broken Japanese but not as broken as (D/n)'s. She looked like she had just woken up. Byakuya smiles and crouches down to her level, "And who might you be?" He asks with a grin, receiving and bright smile from the little girl in return. "(Y/n)." She introduces and bowed at him politely.

"Well (Y/n), I assume he's at the library. You know how to make your way there?" Byakuya asks the little girl. She nods frantically in response. The tall male smiles once again, "Then go, and don't stop talking to him until you guys are friends. Okay?" He joked which earned a light chuckle from the little girl.

"Thank you, Byakuya-san!" The little girl bows again before running off in the library's direction.

The said male stands up and heaves out a sigh of relief. Finally, someone who may be capable of changing Senku's opinion about having friends.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now