𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐛 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐭

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You woke up completely confused, your alarm didn't go off.

It's currently 9:46 in the morning.

Your class starts at 7:30 am.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I'm screwed."

Rushing out of the room, you start to get ready for the day. Still feeling a bit groggy after a shower, you slap yourself awake. You had less than twenty minutes until the next period starts and you can't afford to be late because lord knows how awful you were at history, so you needed to rush. While you were still in a towel, you sprinted downstairs because you were being an airhead and left your comb somewhere there.

"What the hell do you think you're doing walking around in my house with only a towel?"

Stopping in your tracks, you slowly turn around. Before you was your lettuce-haired friend standing in the kitchen and making some ramen. "It's the weekend, dumbass." Senku sighed as he stared at the empty table in front of him. "Go get dressed, you'll catch a cold."

You wordlessly comply, but not before hearing Senku sigh once again and mumble, "Seriously, have you been in my house so often that you mistake it for yours?"

Laughing a bit, you went to Senku's room and yoinked out some of his clothes because you knew for sure that you didn't bring any spare clothes before you guys decided to do a sleepover. His t-shirt was, of course, a few sizes too big for you but it was comfortable nonetheless. His sweatpants kept falling off so you tied it.

Heading downstairs again, you could now smell the appetizing scent of ramen in the kitchen. "Where's your dad?" You asked as you took a seat across Senku. He shrugs in response, "He said he'll be out for the day so we have the whole house to ourselves."

Breakfast went by quickly and you soon found yourself on the couch watching The Good Doctor. "Hey, Senku I wanna become a doctor." You say out of the blue. He turns to you with an unreadable expression. "Go ahead, with your brains you'll get a Ph.D. in a flash. Although last time we were watching Food Wars, you said you wanted to be a chef." he says with a deadpanned look. You smiled sheepishly at his statement. It was true, you easily swayed based on what you watch.

"Thinking about what I wanna be in the future stresses me out. Can't I just decide that I wanna be a rock and morph into one so I can go into eternal slumber?"

Senku chuckles at this. "You know damn well that would be scientifically impossible, not to mention illogical... unless?" The male trails off as he closed his book and crossed his arms, a calculating look on his face.

You just pout at Senku and changed the channel, hoping to find a more interesting show that would rid your thoughts of your undecided future career. As you flipped through channels, you saw a familiar face on the screen. "Tsukasa still looks so tall..." You mutter to yourself. This went unnoticed by Senku because he had his nose stuck on a book once again.

Now, how did you know Tsukasa in the first place? Well, you and him met by chance. You were just minding your own business one day in the convenience store and then decided to buy more milk cuz we all know your small ass needs that to grow taller. To your dismay, the milk was placed on the top shelf and of course, you were too short to reach it. And that's when Tsukasa noticed and decided to help you out. He was a bit shocked when he saw you though because he thought for sure you were an elementary student. You being a bit too annoying decided to bug him until he left the convenience store. You started seeing each other more often in the same store and eventually became somewhat friends. You've kept in contact with him but rarely went to hang out because of his reputation and you not really liking the huge crowds that would form around him.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now