𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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The flight was short. Well, for you, at least. Throughout the whole plane ride, you were just either dozing off or reading some comics to pass the time. Your father shook you from your slumber, earning a well-deserved curse word from you, and dragged you back to that one familiar place you called home a few years back. Your hair had grown throughout the years, but due to a small accident in the kitchen that involved fire and an extremely clumsy Sungjae, you decided to cut it short. Your hair reached only up to your jawline and had it layered. It was messy, to say the least, but it was better than having the hassle of tying your hair up into a suffocating bun all the time you needed to be in the kitchen.

You stared at the house from across the street. This was it. The fated reunion.

As you were about to cross the street, you got held back by your father who had a smirk on his face. "Nobody's home, Byakuya's at work, and Senku's room seems to be empty."

Pouting, you decide to unpack and get some rest. "Oh no, you don't, young lady! Work is calling!"

You groan and sat up, stretching your stiff body. Well, at least you were gonna be in the kitchen again. Your father started the car and stepped on the gas, maybe going a bit too fast for your liking. You knew something was up with that smirk of his.

Dawn was approaching, just in time for the restaurant's open hours. Some other employees were outside, cleaning up for the upcoming customers. You do the same by doing some minor prep work in the kitchen, consciously playing with the strands of your hair. Your train of thought was cut short as you could hear your father make an announcement.

"Listen up! We have a few important guests who reserved some seats for tonight, I hope everyone will do their very best to serve yet another successful meal!"

A chorus of some "Yes chef!"s entered your ears as you smirked, eager to get to work.

Sure enough, the restaurant was packed in the morning with a few of some noteworthy people sitting among the unfamiliar faces. One, you recognized as Asagiri Gen. You remember some of the science club members taking an interest in one of his books back then. Mayhaps, we have a mentalist inside our premises?

Your father urged you to take a break, seeing as he did drag your to work just as you were unpacking. You contemplate your choices and decide to help serve the customers. "Transforming furikake rice for table 10!" You chuckle. Your father had added that dish to the menu as per your request after getting him to binge watch Food Wars with you. You grab the tray of food and go over to table 10, seeing that the one and only Asagiri Gen was sat there along with some more familiar faces. And one of them was Shishio Tsukasa.

"I almost didn't recognize you." The said male says as he stood up to eye you up and down. My, have you changed. You've certainly grown taller than your last encounter with the male. gone was the little girl who had trouble reaching the top shelf of the convenience store. You laugh, "Hello to you too, Tsukasa." You placed the five dishes on the table as you eyed his other companions.

Shishio Tsukasa, Asagiri Gen, A person you recognized as the son of the owner of the Nanami Conglomerate, and another person with white hair and green eyes. You took note that there were five dishes and one seat was empty.

"You know each other?" The mentalist spoke with a smile, his attention now situated directly at you. Now, you were insecurely darting your eyes around the room. You weren't exactly used to the four males' attention on you. "We do. We go way back." Tsukasa informs, taking a sip from his drink. You made a mental note to thank the tall brunette later for saving your shy ass. Gen hummed and offers a seat to you, curious about how Tsukasa made such a pretty friend. Tsukasa tried to convince Gen to leave you alone, but finally gave up when he knew the mentalist wouldn't leave you alone. Tsukasa gave you an apologetic glance as he watched you take the empty seat between him and Gen.

𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤 ⤿ 𝘪. 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘬𝘶  ✔Where stories live. Discover now