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Kokichi pov

We have been going through the map and look through all the classrooms and everywhere..
"I guess we should go look outside" y/n said and I nodded
"So y/n.. can I ask ya something?" Y/n looked at me and hesitantly nodded
"Does.. Anything strange happen to you when you look at me?" I asked and she looked at me in disbelief
"You too?" She asked
"Nopeee!! You are just in love with me!!" I said as I giggled
"Liar.. that was specific! Sus my guy!!" Y/n said
"Aww you caught me red handed.... Alright I surrender.. Im in love with you too" I said and y/n blushed
"It doesn't mean we are in love!!! Besides.. who would ever get a headache looking at a person we love" y/n said
"Hmmmm smart!!" I said and y/n blushed even more...

She is kinda cute when she blushes..

"Does this have to do with us getting kidnapped and being in the killing game?" Y/n asked
"Seems like it" I said
"It's just like how we forgot our memories ya know.. it's like.. we are remembering things just by looking at eachother" y/n said
"I think it's related to us forgetting our memories.. if that's it.. then that means we knew eachother before the killing game" I said and y/n was shook
"Us knowing eachother... Woah.." she said as she stared at the sky
"Well to be logical I saw images of you two times.. both with you in a uniform.. you just looked like a normal school girl.. no ultimate" I said
"Same here.. you were in a school uniform too.. it was dark blue if I remembered.. and of course you didn't look like an ultimate either" y/n said

Me too?.. I swear I was the leader of the dice organization...

"How is that possible though.. I've always been a girl who had alot of records for singing.. me as a normal girl?" Y/n asked
"Yeah.. I thought I was a leader of my organization too.." I said
"Maybe.. we were ultimates but we just went to a normal school?" Y/n asked
"It's a possibility.." I said and y/n started to swim in her own sea of thoughts as we both went silent..

We know eachother.. and we looked like normal people... What does this all mean..

How do I connect the dots.. how does this even tie up to the killing game we are in?

"You seem less crazy" y/n spoke gaining my attention
"You seem less crazy right now.. I thought you were all out crazy ya know" y/n said
"Aww you are mean y/n" I said as I fake cried and y/n laughed
"Hahahahah but I am the crazy evil supreme leader!! Of course I'm crazy!!" I said and y/n just laughed
"I was actually kinda scared of you at first but now you just seem like a cute puppy" y/n said as she patted my head
"Ahh you lil-" I tackled her down but to my no luck self I fell onto her pushing her to the ground..

"Owwww that hurt!!!" I said as I got up
"Liar I was the one beneath you!" Y/n said as she pushed me off and I started to laugh and y/n joined along..

I looked at her after calming a bit down and she was still laughing.. but my image and headache striked again.. it wasn't an image.. more like a memory of y/n..

"(---) you idiot!" Y/n said as she laughed..

Huh? What did she say?

"Ah koki-" I looked to see y/n also grabbing her head.. she too?
"It's almost like the mastermind is controlling our minds dontcha think?" I asked while still laughing in pain
"Maybe.. I don't.. understand any of this" she said
"What was the image?" I asked as I tried to help her up
"It wasn't an image.." she said
"Huh? Same here.. what is-"

"What are you guys doing here?" Ryoma asked as kirumi and Angie were with him
"Ah well we were trying to look for an exit.. but y/n was having a headache" I said and y/n stared daggers at me
"Oh then you must rest y/n let me lead you to your room" kirumi said
"Ah it's fine!! I'll take her to her room! You guys have fun finding the exit" I said as I dragged y/n away
"You have an headache too! You should rest too then!!" Y/n said as she started to drag me to the dorms
"I didn't know you cared this much about me y/nnn" I said and y/n blushed
"Can I stay at your dorm then?" I asked which made y/n look at me confused
"To take care of you! I did say I will take care of our oh so poor y/n who as a headache to mom" I said and y/n facepalmed
"Ugh.. alright" y/n said and I jumped around acting like a kid and dragged her to her room

"So.. what are you gonna do now?" Y/n asked as she opened her dorm room
"Sleep with you of course" I said as I winked and y/n punched me
"It was a lieee!! Geez.. you are bullying a little boy like me? Not cool y/n.." I said with a pout and y/n facepalmed regretting letting me in
"Just get in..." Y/n said
"Oh wait yeah let me take something! Just a sec!!" I said as I went to my room next door and grabbed my art book.. or maybe.. the book of gadget concept art..
"I'm back" I said as I entered y/n room.. it smells like orange in here..
"What's that?" Y/n questioned as she pointed at my art book
"An art book" I said as I sat on the bed
"You can draw?" She asked
"Not really.. but I'm just drawing some gadgets that I want Miu to make for me" I said
"And why is that?" Y/n asked
"To defeat monokuma or even the mastermind of course!" I said and y/n nodded
"I didn't think you would do this.. but it's cool" y/n said as she smiled

Why do I feel... Something..

I feel something in my heart.. whenever I see her smile..

What's happening..?

I put my note on her face to cover her smile.. I can't take it any longer..
"Kokichi what the heck!?" She said as she took the note off of her face
"If you keep smiling like that I might as well fall in love" I said as I giggled and y/n blushed but then hit me
"That was a lie! Stop doing that!! Liar!" She said as she hit me playfully
"Awww c'mon you caught me again!? No funnnnn" I said as I fake cried

Just a lie :)

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