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Y/n pov

"Shuichi! Kokichi!" I called as I saw the detective and the supreme leader on the other side
"Huh? Everyone? What was the loud bang all about?" Tsumugi asked
"We need to log out quick!" Himiko said
"Why gonta log out??" Gonta asked
"Where is kaito?" Maki asked
"We don't know! I think he logged out before us" tsumugi said
"First of all we need that sign to get you guys here" shuichi said
"Yeah where did it go?" I asked
"Miu let it fall down somehow" kokichi said
"Let's all search for something else which acts like the bridge then" keebo said
"Yeah let's hurry.. we don't have time" I said and everyone started to look around for anything like the sign..

"Y/n! I got it!" I heard shuichi scream from the other side as I saw gonta carrying the sign..
"Huh? How did you guys get it?" Himiko asked
"Now is not the time.. we need to log out" maki said
"Okay let's go" shuichi said and we all went to the salon to get the phone and log out..

While everyone were logging out..
"Pssst y/n" I turned to see kokichi
"Koki i-"
"Just wanted to tell you that.. I'm sorry" he said


"What are you sorry for...?" I asked hoping that he didn't do anything to miu..
"Nothing~~" he said as he giggled but it felt.. off..
"Log out before shuichi okay wifeyy?" he said as he left me once again..

As everyone finished logging out and it was me shuichi and kokichi.. I did what kokichi told and logged out..

Did he want to talk to shuichi alone maybe?

As I finally logged out I was back in my seat and I took off my helmet to see..

Miu iruma.. dead...

Why did she have to die...?

Who.. killed her...


I looked over to where keebo is.. he just stared at her dead body with a sad expression..


Did.. kokichi really kill her?..

No no.. I can't assume anything this early..

I need to find clues and evidence to prove anything...

"Hey keebo" I decided to approach him
"She.. was a great inventor.. wasn't she?" I said and keebo nodded
"She even gave you a lot of new functions.. she really is amazing" I said
"Yeah she was.. if she gave me a crying function.. I would cry right now.." he said and I patted him
"I.. didn't want her to die either.. she was my friend after all.." I said
"Gonta doesn't know what happened.. gonta can't protect miu.." gonta said
"It's fine gonta.. it's not your fault.." I said
"We must investigate.. let's find who killed iruma San" keebo said forcing a smile..
"Yeah.. let's go.." I said

"I made this fucking gadget for you! Since I had a little free time yesterday.." miu handed me a little microphone device
"Woah.. what's this?" I asked as I inspected it
"I call this the 'make you cum microphone!' I the genius and the most gorgeous came up with the best gadget doncha think!?" Miu said
"Uh.. well anyways what's this?" J asked as I pointed to the little keyboard and a monitor attached below the microphone
"Ah can't you see it's not a normal microphone you dumb tits! You can type any kinda fuckin song's name and the artist and it would play the music from the speakers in the bottom of the device!" Miu said
"Woah... That sounds.. awesome!!!"
"It is obviously awesome since it's made by the most talented women! Me!!"
"Aww you are talented! Thanks a bunch miu!" I said and miu looked at me surprised but then smiled
"Don't thank me! I need to thank you for saving me from that lil abortion yesterday!" Miu smiled

Ah yes.. kokichi and miu were fighting yesterday.. and kokichi did say alot of mean things to her.. I just smacked some sense into that idiot..

"Well I didn't think you would give me a gift for a small deed like that" I said
"Well no one really ever wanted to be a friend apart from keebo and you! I worked on keebo and gave him some new functions.. I obviously needed to give you something too" Miu said and I smiled..
"That's very sweet of you miu.. thanks!"
"So what are you waiting for bitch!? Sing!!" Miu said and I nodded and put in a song that i like sand started to sing..
I noticed miu who was smiling through the whole thing and vibing through the song.. I was happy that she liked it..

She wasn't a bad person as I thought..
She is really kind..

"Damn gurl you rock!" Miu complimented me and I laughed
"Thanks miu.. well I wonder if you wanna try this out.." I asked and miu looked at me shocked
"I can't sing! I'm like a fuckin chicken having sex whole singing!" She said
"Well I'll never know until you sing" I said and miu sighed giving up and taking the microphone and put in a song and started to sing..
She... Is.. actually.. the rocking one here bruhh!!

"The hell you are actually amazing!!" I said and miu smiled
"I-i.. didn't expect that but thanks! Guess I learnt to sing today!! I'm just becoming more talented as I go!!!" Miu exclaimed
"Yep! You go gurl" I said and miu laughed
"Thanks a lot flat chest! We should hang out more.. maybe with that tin head" Miu said
"Haha sure!"

Who would have killed her..

She was a bit.. weird at times but she is a really good friend..

She even made all the gadgets kokichi asked for..

Would he have.. killed her?..

I can't assume anything from the evidences we got but..
Kokichi is still a suspect..

Do I want to suspect him..? No..

But he did say some suspicious things..

Ugh.. I'm thinking too much..

"Are you alright y/n?" Shuichi asked
"Ha is y/n havin a hard time thinking about the case!?" Kokichi followed shuichi
"Kokichi just stop it.." shuichi said and kokichi pouted
"Heyyyyyy y/n is my friend too shumai!! You don't own her!!" Kokichi said
"Anyways.. here have some water.. I know this case is alot confusing.. I'm confused too" shuichi said as he handed me the water
"Thanks shuichi!" I said and I noticed kokichi staring daggers at both of us.. I ignored it and tried to open my bottle..
After a while of trying I couldn't open it and kokichi and shuichi noticed it and tried to help me but kokichi snatched it first
"Aww my little y/n is thirsty!! Lemme open this stupid bottle!" He said as he opened it gaining weird looks from me and shuichi
"Ah.. thanks.." I said as I took the bottle from him and drank my water..
"Guys let's go! The class trial might start soon!" We saw kaito and maki approach us
"Ah okay" shuichi said as he stuck his hand out for me to grab onto but kokichi also did the same.. they both noticed it and kokichi gave shuichi a 'fuck off bitch' kinda look..

Shit what am I doing in between these two!?

Doesn't this happen in those romance anime?!

I awkwardly got up myself and grabbed maki's hand and started to drag her with me
"Wha y/n-"
"Let's go guys! We need to find miu's killer!" I said
"Why am I the bait here?" Maki asked
"Ugh that was soo awkward let me just kidnap you instead" I said and maki giggled a bit
I can hear shuichi giggle and kaito laugh is ass off while kokichi fake cried over me..

"Alright! I'm superrrr bored!! So let's start the class trial already! Everyone gather at the shrine of judgement!" Monokuma spoke

Another trial..

Another person dead..

When will this cycle end..?

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