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Y/n pov

I heard a knock on my door..

"Y/n please open up!!" I can hear himiko yell..
"Yeah l/n San please open up!" I heard keebo as well..

If your wondering.. it's the next day.. specifically the evening..
Everyone are worried because I didn't leave my room to eat or even drink anything..

"Y/n! C'mon!" I heard shuichi yell
"If you won't answer then I'll break open the door" I heard maki
"Maki you can't do that!" Shuichi argued
"Y/n you need to atleast eat anything! I can't let one of my sidekick starve!" Kaito said
"Y/n you are gonna die of you starve like this.." tsumugi said
"That's it I'm breaking this door!" Maki said
"Harukawa San please refrain from damaging anything!" Keebo said

"Hey Taylor Swift rip off! What's gotten into ya!?" Monokuma suddenly appeared into my room
"Leave me alone.." I simply said with a cold voice making monokuma smirk
"Now now! There is a psycho outside threatening to break your door aka damaging this schools property! I can't have that!! Get out now!!" Monokuma said
"Not gonna happen.." I said
"Pupupu.. Lemme guess.. kokichi is it?" Monokuma said making me flinch
"Haven't seen that guy the whole day either.. wonder where he went.." monokuma said

Kokichi is missing huh?..

Did he eat..?..

Haha here I go worrying about him again..

I'm pathetic..

"Do you know where he is?" I asked as I got up from my bed
"Pupupu! I saw everything that happened yesterday! Yet you still worry.. you really are naive!" Monokuma said
"..Whatever... Just answer the question.." I said
"Hm.. I can't say anything! But he still is in the school! You will see him very very soon pupupu!" Monokuma said
"I.. see.." I said and then monokuma grabbed my hand
"Now now don't die by starving! Only die when you get killed!!" Monokuma said as he dragged me to my door and opened it revealing everyone who were yelling at me to come out..

"Y/n!" Himiko exclaimed as she hugged me
"Y/n you really worried us.." tsumugi said
"Are you alright?" Maki asked
"Sidekick! Did anything happen? What happened last night?" Kaito asked
"Let's not force her with questions okay?" Shuichi said
"Yeah she needs to eat first.." keebo said and everyone agreed and started to take me away to the dining hall..

"Eat up" maki said as she stared at me motioning me to eat..
I nodded eating up my food little by little while everyone sat infront of me making sure I eat well..
"Uh.. you guys don't have to.."
"No no you must eat l/n San" keebo said
"Yeah I can help you eat with my magic but I'm at low mp.." himiko said
"Ah.. I don't think that's the case.." tsumugi said
"What happened?" Maki asked
"Hey don't force an answer out if her.." shuichi said
"Well whatever it is.. my sidekick should be strong! Y/n is a very amazing talent girl! She shouldn't be sad all the time!!" Kaito said and I smiled
"Thanks.. kaito.." I said while I smiled and kaito gave me a thumbs up..
"We helped too!" Himiko said and everyone laughed
"Of course you did.." I said as I giggled
I continued to eat while having light conversations with everyone..

"Anyone seen kokichi?" Tsumugi asked
"Ugh let that brat do whatever he wants.. he is messed up in the head" himiko said
"I could kill him if I can.." maki said
"He is a total psycho.. we can't let him roam free.." tsumugi said
"Yeah.. the guy did mess up everything.." kaito said

Everyone hates him..

He.. wants everyone to hate him..

Was whatever he said yesterday also part of this..?

What.. is he planning..?

Save everyone.. or kill everyone..?

What's the truth.. what's the lie?

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