protect (pregame!)

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Kokichi pov

"I just realised.." (y/n) spoke gaining my attention
"I met you on your birthday.. and you didn't even tell me" she said and I giggled
"I actually forgot that day was my birthday! No one really wishes me or gives me presents so I didn't really remember it myself.." I said
"Now I wish I could have gave you something.." (y/n) mumbled loud enough for me to hear and I giggled

She started to show feelings.. the things that I've never seen her do..

Smiling, laughing, giggling, crying, complaining, getting mad, acting silly.. she behaves like a normal girl..

Even (nagito) was surprised when he noticed her behaviour..

Was it because of me? Was it not? I don't know.. but..

I'm happy that shes normal..

"A gift huh? What would you gift me?" I asked
"I don't know.. panta?" (Y/n) said while giggling
"Haha that would be a good gift!" I said while laughing
"But actually if I really think about it.. I would say you actually did give me a present" I said
"Huh? And.. what was it?" (Y/n) asked tilting her head to the side
"You! You were my present!" I said and (y/n) blushed
"That was... Cheesy.." she said turning head away from me and I laughed
"Haha I actually do mean it though! I never had a close friend like you! Thanks (y/n)" I said and (y/n) smiled
"I'll give you a good present next time then!" She said and I nodded..

I have no idea why I wanted to be friends with her..

I knew her since she was a classmate of mine.. she usually just sits in her desk next to the window and never talks..

No one bothered to talk to her.. I.. kinda felt bad..

It was a complete coincidence that we met in the art supply room.. thinking back.. she was a lot colder before haha..

I guess I broke the ice.. I've successfully made her my friend!

But.. there is always been something..

Something.. deep down..

"im tired.." i mumbled to myself as i stared out of the car window..
"we will go home in.. 5 hours! so relax and maybe take a nap" (nagito) said who was driving the car..
"thats boring.." i said as i glanced over to my side to see (y/n) sleeping through all the loud music and speed breakers.. she must be a good sleeper hehe..

and just as i jinxed it.. we went through another speed breaker which made the car jerk making (y/n)s body shift towards me and she ended up falling onto my lap..

"woah.. here i thought i was the lucky student" (nagito) teased looking at me from the back view mirror
"shut up (nagito 'hinata')" i said as i started to look at (y/n)..

her features are.. pretty in a way.. she surely isnt the ideal pretty girl like those kpop girls but she is pretty cute..

my hand moved to her head touching her hair and playing with it.. she has soft hair..

her eyes are something i can always get lost into.. even if her eyes are closed right now she really has pretty eyes..

her skin is soft.. her hands are too.. i wonder...   would her lips be soft too?

wait what the hell am i thinking-

"i did say i ship you guys but im still her brother and besidesss she still didnt get her first kiss so dont ruin her virginity" (nagito) laughed making me blush
"i wasnt.. thinking anything like that" i mumbled the last part 
"sure" (nagito) smirked 

But.. with a good personality and good looks.. why did she get bullied?

It wasn't that reasonable..

"why.. did (y/n) get bullied?" i asked suddenly making (nagito) glance at me

"she wasnt the greatest when it comes to making friends.. she always felt scared of people and trusting them and she was always silent in her class i guess thats a reason.." (nagito) said
"im almost surprised how (y/n) grew alone.. no one was around her.. her parents always left her home alone for work and usually go on business trips even when she was very little.." 
"she didnt have people to talk to.. didnt have people to express her feelings to.. she just didnt have anyone.. and when i had to move out because of my parents death i brought (y/n) along with me too" 
"that just made her a little bit okay.. her school life hasnt been the greatest.. (y/n) must have been bullied in many ways.. but her parents never cared"

"i.. didnt know that.." i said as i looked at (y/n)

"she did have friends but they never hang out with (y/n) since she was an outcast.. you are her first official friend i suppose" (nagito) said while smiling

"i... will take care of her.. though i cant really do much ill not let her get bullied.. its a promise" i said my hands trembling while holding (y/n)s hand and (nagito) nodded with a smile

"you really love her dont you?" (nagito) chuckled 

"huh? i-"
"you cant lie to yourself can you?"

i... wish i can but..

"yeah.. i do"

the truth never changes even if you paint it with lies..

suddenly (y/n) shifted making me and (nagito) flinch 

"pancakess...." she mumbled making me and (nagito) burst into laughter 

"Ive always took care of my cousin just like my own child since when she was young.. I wanted her to have a good life.. she didn't deserve the harsh world she lives in right now.."

"If you earned (y/n)s trust then that means you might be someone good for her.. can I trust her with you (kokichi)?" (Nagito) asked

I smiled a his words.. he really must be a good brother..

"Of course I will.."

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