second murder..

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Y/n pov

It was the next day.. I didn't talk to kokichi after what happened yesterday..

It's not like I'm mad at him.. I mean I do understand his point to not co-operate since this is a killing game and we can't trust anyone completely either..
But he didn't have to build up lies and steal everyone's motive videos either..

And it's more suspicious to me that kokichi acts and lies around others.. I mean he does lie around me but not the kind of lies that made him look like a bad guy..
Everyone hates him I bet..

It's almost like he's trying to get a bad reputation..

But why?

*Knock knock*

I got off my bed and opened the door..
"Ah y/n my dear child... Atua loves your precious smile!" Angie said as she hugged me
"Ah that's very nice of atua.. I'm pretty sure atua is a handsome man too" I said and Angie nodded
"Atua loves your positive attitude and your admiration! Atua wants you young child to watch himiko's magic performance to start off a new beginning!" Angie said and I sweat dropped..
"Haha sure let's go" I said and Angie nodded and lead the way

"Oh there she is!" Tenko said as she pointed at me
"Oh hey guys" I said as I approached tenko who was with shuichi kaito and maki
"Angie brought you here too I see" shuichi said and I giggled
"I guess we just have to watch" maki said
"C'mon maki! Magic tricks are pretty awesome" kaito said
"Yeah I'm excited to see this!!" Tenko said
"I'm pretty sure you are excited for himik-" I was cut of by tenko who covered my mouth and shuichi laughed

We all were having some chats before the performance started and my eyes wandered off searching for him..

Kokichi.. it's strange that he didn't even burst open my door today..

A sudden pain in the head and another unknown memory..

"Thank you for.. everything" kokichi said who was wearing normal clothes that any normal person wear.. the background was pink.. and familiar..
Kokichi began to drink the soup in his hand
"Tastes good!" He said as he drank even more

"Y/n are you okay?" I opened my eyes again too see shuichi kaito maki and tenko with concerned
"Maybe you should go to your room" kaito said as he patted me
"Does your head hurt again?" Maki asked
"Ahhh did you get a fever!? Is my cute y/n alright?" Tenko said as she cupped my face
"Guys I'm fine I'm fine!! My headache just acts up from time to time ya know" I said
"Are you sure? Do you want me to take you to your room?" Shuichi asked
"Really I'm fine guys! Chill" I said as I laughed and everyone sighed and then agreed..

Not gonna lie the performance is taking a long time..

I felt someone tap my shoulders and I turned around to see kirumi
"Ah kirumi what's up?" I asked and she handed me medicine
"Kokichi wanted me to give you this" kirumi said
"mommmmm!! I told you not to blow my coverrrr!!!" I turned to see kokichi fake crying at kirumi
"Chile thats what you get for calling me mom" kirumi said as she smirked and I laughed hard
"Wahhhhhhhhh!! Mom and y/n are bullying me!!" Kokichi fake cried and me and kirumi face palmed

"Ahem! Everybody welcome to the himiko's magic show! Himiko is going to be doing an underwater escape act!" Angie spoke as she pulled the curtains and we saw himiko inside the water tank with hand cuffs
"Huh? That seems dangerous!" Tenko said
"Himiko will be escaping the tank within 10 minutes and after 10 minutes the box at the top of the tank which contains hungry Piranhas! Lets us all pray to atua and start the timer!" Angie said as she closed the curtains once more and left us anxious..

"I don't think this is a good idea.." shuichi said
"Let's all just wait.. and hope himiko comes out" maki told and I looked over to see tenko who looked worried sick...
"Tenko don't worry himiko is the ultimate magician" I said and tenko smiled
"Yeah.. I should believe in her talent" tenko said and I nodded

After 10 minutes.. Angie opened the curtains.. but what we saw was.. horrible..

Ryoma hoshi..

"Pupupu a body has been discovered!!!"


He.. did want to die but..

Why him..

"You want to play tennis with me?" Ryoma asked with a surprised expression
"Mhm! I do know a little bit of tennis.. I just wanna play a bit ya know.. if you didn't mind" I said and ryoma smiled and nodded
"So how do you know tennis?" Ryoma asked as he took the rackets for me
"My brother was a good tennis player.. I just learnt from him" I said
"Are you good?" He asked as he handed me one of the racket
"Uh.. I wouldn't say so but I would say tennis kinda goes with the beat of the song.. so if I get the beat right my reflexes can hit right" I said and ryoma chuckled
"As expected of the ultimate singer.. let's see how this goes" he said as he served the tennis ball and we started to play..

"Not bad kid" he said as he laughed
"Ahhhh I'm tried" i said as I layed down and ryoma laughed and sat next to me
"Thanks for the time.. been a long time since I played this hard" he said and I giggled
"Would you do a favor for me?" I asked
"Hoshi kun.. you said you didn't have a reason to live.. but what if I say everyone here thinks of you as a real good friend.. I mean I do! You are an amazing person!" I said
"So.. I was wondering if me and our friends could be your reason to live.. we all treasure you ya know! Even if it's not a val-"
"Ill think about it.. but you really are a good friend y/n and I'm glad I got to be your friend.. thanks" he said as he smiled and I smiled back

Guess that's a no huh?..

The fact that one of us killed him makes it worse..

Maybe that's why he didn't defend himself..

"Let's just hope he is in a better place now.. don't get sad.. ryoma probably hates the fact that you are sad over him" I turned to see kokichi
"Let's investigate okay? Shuichi isn't around so it's fine for us to investigate together" he said

Huh? What does this have to do with shuichi??

"Shuichi?" I questioned him
"Let's just investigate now.. I'll tell you about it afterwards alright" he said as he patted my back and I simply nodded and we both started to investigate together..

Memories.. (kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now