feelings.. (pregame!)

817 34 9

kokichi pov

After a while of playing in the arcade and eating a lot in the cute little cafes we stopped by on (y/n) dragged me to another place she wanted to visit..

"fortune telling?" i asked and (y/n) nodded
"sounds cool right? besides seems like one of yukis friends is the one doing it" (y/n) said pointing at the stall
"do you really wanna do it?" i asked
"i mean even if its wrong i guess it wouldnt hurt to try" (y/n) said and i sighed 
"okay fine but you first!" i said and (y/n) nodded as she walked through the curtains and we both entered a very dark room but it was air conditioned and there were a few candles here and there

"hellooooooo! im kazukake hagakure! your new ultimate fortune teller!" kazu spoke
"hey shinobu kun" i laughed
"(oma kun) for now you shall address me as hagakure sama" kazu told
"you guys are friends?" (y/n) asked
" i barely know him but yuki talks about him a lot.. and you too (y/n) was it?" kazu asked
"ah yes.. (y/n) (l/n)" (y/n) said
"nice to meet ya (y/n)! i can already see a lot of things about you!" kazu said
"a lot of things huh?" i asked
"shoo its not your turn yet (oma kun)" kazu said and i pouted as i walked out hearing a giggle from (y/n)

and after a while (y/n) came out with no much reaction what so ever..

"how was it? cringe?" i asked
"i have no idea.. your turn tho!" she said and i nodded as i went it
"(kokichi oma)! i can see a lot in you friend!" kazu said 
"get it over with shinobu kun" i said 
"alright alright.. you..." kazu looked into his crystal ball and then closed his eyes doing some shitty half assed magic stuff

"you have a lot to go through.. id say the thing which is important is.. tonight.. you will fullfill your wishes and your dreams" kazu said only making me confused

"huhhhh?" i asked
" wait there is also more.. there are two sides for a coin (oma kun).. today might be a good day but after this you will be encountering pure despair.. "

despair huh? some danganronpa shit?

"i can also see your ultimate.. you would be a leader! isnt that cool (oma kun)?" kazu asked
"huh? a leader huh?.. sound pretty cool indeed" i said

does he mean i would become a student council?.. maybe? agh am i really believing this now?!

"and thats all i can say! thankyou for visiting (oma kun)" he said
"well that sure was weird as always.. thanks anyways! bye bro" i said and kazu waved back as i left the room to meet (y/n)
"how was it?" (y/n) asked
"i also have no idea.. he did say my ultimate was a leader though.." i said

"he said my ultimate was a singer.. i guess that does kinda makes sense huh?" (y/n) asked

(y/n) has always been a good singer even though she isnt pretty confident about it.. she also usually gets scared of performing infront of people but i guess i was lucky to hear her huh?

"he also seems to know that im going to perform a song today evening.. he did say i would do good but..." 
"still scared?"
"yeah.. i still feel uneasy singing to people.. what if i mess up?" (y/n) asked
"you practiced a lot! im sure youll do great!" i said and (y/n) smiled
"hopefully i will.. anyways lets go to a photo boot" (y/n) said as she started to drag  me to a so called photo booth

"oh i have read about these in those cliche fanfictions" i said as i looked at the photo booth which seemed to be a bit girlish..

we both then entered the small booth which had a camera and a little tablet at the bottom to customize and add danganronpa stickers.. mannn who makes these things?

"i thought you were camera shy" i said and (y/n) giggled
"but id like to take pictures with you.." she said as she was fiddling with the tablet

how did she say that with a straight face?! 

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