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Y/n pov

Kokichi drove the dice Mobile real fast.. in the terror of actually getting into an accident I ducked my head not wanting to see what we are gonna hit next..
And then the dice Mobile stopped making my head bump on the dashboard

"Oww.." I winced in pain
"Oopsies! Are you alright??" Kokichi asked trying not to laugh
"Hmph! Laugh all you want idiot!" I said while pouting and kokichi giggled
"No no I'm definitely not laughing at you!" He said while laughing
"Haha alright alright I won't laugh!" He said as he came closer and touched the spot where I hit myself
"Does it pain a lot?" He asked with a concerned expression..

Woah that changed quick..

Kokichi then moved closer and gave a light peck at the spot.. making me blush crazy by the sudden interaction..

"Now it's fine~" he said as he grinned at me
"I-idiot.." I said looking out of the window avoiding eye contact..
"Well anywayyyss I guess I'll drive slow for my wifey over here.." he said as he started the mobile again but this time like a normal person..
"I didn't expect that.. but thanks?" I said as I chuckled
"The kiss or-"
"None! nevermind!"
"Neehehe y/n is cute!!"
"Shut up!"

Kokichi drove the mobile around the pathway.. it's surprising that there is literally no one around..
Guess it's just our luck..

"Woah it's almost night time.. I didn't even know.." I said as I looked out if the window..
"Yeah I didn't know either.. the day went by fast didn't it??" Kokichi asked smiling to himself..

Oh wait.. why did he wanna hang out with me in the first place..?

"Hey why did you wanna spend time with me?" I asked
"Hm? Isn't it obvious!? It was all a plan to confess my love to you~!" Kokichi said
"Eh!?" I looked at him shocked while blushing
"Neehehe that's of course a lie!" Kokichi laughed and I got disappointed yet again..
"Then what's the real reason?"

Kokichi stayed silent focusing on driving..
He suddenly stopped near a tree which was out of the path of course.. and then he motioned me to get out as he got out from his side..
I nodded as I got out of the car and watched kokichi sit down near the tree..
"Check this out!" Kokichi said as he pressed a button on his keys.. and I looked to see the dice Mobile gone..
"Huh? Camouflage?" I asked
"You don't seem surprised!" Kokichi stated
"Well there are moving exisals and a literal talking stuffed bears here so not really surprised to see this.." I said and kokichi laughed
"That's true I guess.."
I sighed sitting next to kokichi and stared to look at the stars..

"The sky is pretty today.." I said
"Neehehe not as pretty as my wifey of course!" Kokichi said and I playfully punched him
"You are an idiot.." I said while laughing and kokichi smiled..

After a long silence..

"Do you trust me?" I turned to kokichi who was still looking at the sky
"Huh? Of cour-"
"What if I'm lying the whole time?"



Kokichi turned to me with a serious face making me even more confused..
"I believe you silly.. we are friends after all!" I said and kokichi stared at me emotionless..
Then his face turned into a grin..
"Hahahhahahahahahahahhahhahahaha!! You are that naive!?" Kokichi laughed clearly like a psychopath

What the hell happened to him all of a sudden!?

"We aren't friends" kokichi stated returning back to his emotionless face again
"Didn't hear me? I said we aren't friends!" he said again but this time making his voice more deep and serious..
"I can't believe you are soooo dumb! You just followed along with my 'oh I wanna save everyone' and my 'i have memories' act!" He said

Wait so.. he doesn't have memories?

But... Again..

It's too specific.. and Im pretty sure he also felt all the headaches..

"Liar.. you did have the memories.." I said still staying silent
"So what!? That doesn't mean we are anything! We are in a killing game!!"
"And just like I said.. I want to win this killing game!! No matter what it takes.." he said with his psychotic laugh and emotionless eyes still staring into my soul..
"..this.. isn't a.. pr-"
"Really now? I thought you were smart! But hey you literally got lead on my me so I guess you are as dumb as everyone!!" Kokichi said while laughing
I stayed silent not knowing what to say..

What's happening..? What's..


"Hahahhahahahaha! I made a fucking whore cry!" Kokichi said as he pointed out my tears rolling across my face..
"Weren't you.. going to save.. everyone..?"
"Woops someone lied!" Kokichi said
"Face the truth y/n! I just used you! I just lied to you all along!! I was just curious about the memories that you were having!!" Kokichi said
"We aren't friends.. so imma drop my 'y/n's obsessive boyfriend' act! Besides... It was honestly super boringgggggggg"

I listened to all the.. things... He's saying..

My heart shattering at every little word..

Was it all a lie..?

Was.. he really.. not my friend?

"Damnnnnnn gurl you cry a waterfall over me!? Hahaha guess the Oscar goes to me!!!" He said laughing like a maniac

Everything.. he said.. was a lie..

"Wanna know why I spent the whole day with you!? Of course to let you down all in one go! I'm supperrrrr tired of your weird ass memory and friendship bull crap!"

A.. lie..

I looked right back at him and then slapped him across his face..
"W-w-why..." I asked.. My body trembling and my voice shaking..
"Neehehe.. girly snapped huh? Took so long!" He said with a grin..
"Me?? Me what? I just used you! You should be ashamed of yourself! Don't make me the villain! Even though I am hahahhaha!"

My whole body felt weak..

I felt sick.. I honestly wanted to throw up..

I felt dizzy.. my mind all over the place..

"Stop it.."
"Hm?" He asked opening one of his eyelids
"I said stop it.. you.. you aren't gonna kill anyone.. you can't win this game.." I said taking deep breaths
"Neehehe tryna be logical!? Not gonna work on me ms. Voice crack abomination!" Kokichi said

"I.. hate you.." I said and kokichi smiled

"I never said I liked you either.." Kokichi said making me even more pissed and sad..

And without looking back at him.. I just left the spot..

I felt like I was about to pass out..
I made my way to the dorms and passed out in my room..

'i.. hate you..'

Ha.. I'm pathetic..

I loved him with all my heart..

Memories.. (kokichi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now