who are we?

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Y/n pov

The trial ended.. the first trial..

Kaede killed rantaro.. she thought he was the mastermind..

I.. just lost two people...

Two friends..

"Y/n!!!" I turned to see kaede
"Ah hey kaede! What's up?" I asked
"I want to practice my piano skills! I just got my pianist lab ya know" she said
"Oh what do you want me to do?" I asked
"Sing of course!! Sing a song and I will play the piano!! We both can practice together how about that?" She said as she grabbed my hands
"Alright let's go" I said and kaede showed the way to her lab..
"Woah... This room looks awesome.." I said in awe
"Yeah it's really cool!" Kaede said as she sat in her spot near the piano
"So what's the song?" I asked as I took my position
"Is it okay if I pick?" Kaede asked
"Oh sure go ahead!" I said
"Can't help falling in love with you" she said and I gave her a thumbs up
We both started to perform.. kaede is really good..
Her flow was amazing just as expected of the ultimate pianist..
"Woah your voice was angelic y/n!" Kaede said as she hugged me
"Ah thanks.. I don't really think it's angelic but thanks for the compliment" I said and kaede smiled
"Can I ask you something?" Kaede said and I got confused but nodded anyway
"Take care of shuichi for me.. okay?" She said and I got confused
"Uh.... Okay?" I said and kaede smiled
"Thanks y/n! Well it's just that he is amazing.. it's just that he doubts himself alot.." she said
"I just want you to keep encouraging him.. can you do that?" She asked

At that time.. I was confused..

"Mhm! Sure thing kaede!" I said
"Aww thanks a bunch y/n! We can hang out more after ending the killing game" she said as she hugged me and I hugged her back
"Yeah sure!" I said as I smiled to myself

But you asked me to take care of shuichi..

Because you knew you won't be with him.. with us..

Kaede.. I will help shuichi!

"Am I doing this right?" Shuichi asked as he continued to play the song in kaede's keyboard
"Well you missed a key at the 'falling in love' part" I said as I tried to look for it
"This?" Shuichi asked as he played it again but with the correct key in
"Mhm! Perfect!! We should perform now! Shall we?" I said and shuichi nodded
We took our postions just like kaede and I..
And we started to sing and play the piano
Shuichi isn't that bad for his first try... His sense of beat isn't bad but he is a bit slow at the keys..

But kaede would be proud if she sees him..

"I did it right!" Shuichi said as he finished playing and I clapped
"Yep you totally did!! Kaede would be really proud of you!" I said and shuichi smiled
"Thank you y/n.. this really meant alot to me" he said and I smiled
"But I do have a question.." he continued and I nodded
"Why did she pick this song.. you know.. as the last song that she would ever perform?" Shuichi asked and I shrugged
"Well maybe it's her favourite.."I said and shuichi nodded
"Or.. wellll the fact that she sang that and talked about you is kinda sus.. right mr.detective?" I asked and shuichi immediately blushed
"I-its a-a possibility of course" shuichi sluttered and I laughed

Then again for the hundredth time suddenly the weirdass bear appeared
"You guys are taking your sweet time here!! The research labs are supposed to be closed after the owner dies but I specially let both of you in! Hurry it up already!!" Monokuma said
"Ah well.. I guess we should head out.." shuichi said as he looked at the whole room one more time
"Take a good look cuz none of you are comin again even if shuichi asks!" Monokuma said
I looked at the room and the piano one more time.. in the memory of my friend..

And then we both left the ultimate pianist research lab..

"Hey thanks a bunch y/n! I'll go to my dorm room now" shuichi said and I nodded and we bid goodbye
"Well I guess I should go to my room too.." I said to myself as I started to walk but I felt someone hug me from behind
"Y/nn! You cheater!" I immediately recognised the voice and I facepalmed
"Cheater? We aren't even in a relationship sicko!" I said
"Yeah we aren't in a relationship! We are married!! Y/n we are married! You can't do this to me after years" kokichi said while fake crying and I sweat dropped
"Uh sure 'husband' I won't do it again now get off of me!" I said and kokichi giggled
"I won't let this slide though my beautiful wifeeyyy.. I'm gonna punish you!" He said and I just stayed still and kokichi came closer to my ears
"Let's make babies y/nnn~" he whispered and I bonked him in the head
"I've played enough wife and husband games with you now let me go to my room!" I said
"Wifeyyy let me come with you!" Kokichi said
"Ughh I don't know why you really like my room.. your room is the same ya know!" I said and kokichi smirked
"Nope! There are alot of difference! The first one is that... Its my wif-" I bonked his head again so that he wouldn't continue it
"Alright alright let's just go!" I said as I dragged myself and kokichi who was clinging onto me..

After we got into my room me and kokichi had some little chats which made me kinda laugh after a while.. it cleared my mind a but and took my mind off the situation we were in..

I still have a lot.. I mean like a lot of questions..

This whole game doesn't make sense.. and our memories doesn't make sense to who we are now..
Nothing makes sense..

The flashback light that we used before doesn't add up either.. and what rantaro said.. 'ultimate hunt'..

What is all this?

"You seem to be in a lot of thought" kokichi spoke snapping me out of my train of thoughts
"It's just that whatever information we gathered doesn't add up with what our memories are.. nothing makes sense.." I said
"Well yeah of course it doesn't make sense.. and that's what the mastermind wanted" he said and I sighed and layed down on my bed and kokichi giggled and layed next to me
"Don't think too much your brain is already turning rusty neehehe" he said and he tucked some of my hair under my ear
And here we go again..

"Damn your brain is rusty!" Kokichi with his uniform said as he laughed.. the background was like a normal random playground in a school.. nothing ultimate or special about this..

"Oh well seems like I jinxed it" kokichi said as he saw me whine in pain
"Are we really ultimates?" I asked and kokichi didn't reply for a while
"Should I ask kirumi for medicine?" He spoke up and I shook my head
"No no it's fine.. I can manage" I said as I smiled at him and then we both silent for a while
"It is a possibility.." kokichi said gaining my attention
"But also we have memories of being an ultimate right? I have my memories of being with my organization.." kokichi said
"I also have memories of me being a prodigy vocalist.. and getting alot of awards" I said
"Unless all of that was also fabricated by the mastermind.. which actually really seems impossible" kokichi said
"Mhm.. but then again they did wipe our memories to how we actually got here.. so I don't think it's impossible" I said and kokichi nodded
"That is also right.. but then again even a mastermind being behind all of this is just a theory.. nothing is actually known yet.." kokichi said
"Yeah bu-"

*Knock knock*

"I'll go get the door" kokichi said as he went over and opened the door
"Heyyy flat chest! It's dinn-" Miu looked at kokichi who opened the door and then me who was actually in the bed covering myself in a blanket
"What the fuck!? Y'all fucking eachother!?" Miu looked at both of us in shock
"That's where your mind goes!? I came to check on y/n who had a headache! Now fuck off scummy bitchlet!" Kokichi said while I got off my bed
"B-b-bitchlet!?" Miu sluttered
"That wasn't nice kokichi" I said as I pinched him
"Owww y/n is taking sides againnnnn" kokichi whined
"Miu don't mind this trash and yeah sorry about that" I said and miu nodded
"See even your girlfriend is on my fuckin side!!" Miu said and I blushed
"I'm not hi-"
"Anywayssss I'm hungry and I'm getting wet for some food!!! Y'all better eat as well fuckers!" Miu said as she left the door and made her way outside
"Wahhhhhhhh!!! Y/n you are sooo meannnnnn!!!" Kokichi fake cried and I face palmed
"Let's go eat before kirumi kicks your ass" I said and kokichi giggled and dragged me to the dining hall

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