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Y/n pov

I lay down my bed with tears still soaking my dress..

Kaito momota..

He won.. he didn't get executed.. and I'm proud..

And sad about everything that had happened to him..

"Y/n! Wanna train with us?" Kaito said as he pointed at shuichi and maki who were doing push ups
"Ah.. I'm actually bad at this.. but I guess it won't hurt to try" I said and kaito patted me
"That's the spirit!" He said and i laughed
"Don't worry about doing bad.. kaito here doesn't do push up at all" maki said and shuichi and I laughed hard
"Hey I finished doing 500! You guys are just lagging behind!" Kaito said and we all laughed
"Alright... 1.. 2.. 3.." I started to do the push ups
"Yeahh see y/n is good! That's my side kick!" Kaito said
"You have two side kicks?" Shuichi asked
"Are you jealous that I'm at the lead now shu shu?" I asked earning a laugh from shuichi
After a while I couldn't do any push ups anymore..
"Ughh I'm sooo done.... I can't..." I said as I layed on the ground and kaito layed beside me
"You guys are star gazing now? Do the push ups!" Maki said
"Awww maki roll don't be rude! We are taking a break like shuichi over there" he said pointing at shuichi who was drinking water
"I'll take a break too then" maki said as she went over to shuichi..
"Do you like to star gaze y/n?" Kaito asked
"Mhm! I think it's cool!" I said
"I like doing it as well.. one day.. I'll go to all the stars and see them all up close!" Kaito said and I laughed
"You will! And you better tell me if you see moon bunnies" I said and kaito laughed
"I thought they were actually true when I was young!"
"Same!! They seemed pretty cool to me haha! I even tried making songs for them hoping they would listen to it from the moon" I said and kaito chuckled
"It's unfair if only the bunnies hear it and not your friend doncha think?" Kaito said and I giggled as I started to sing a very nursery rhyme ish kinda song and kaito smiled the whole time looking at the stars..
"That sure sounded like something kid wrote" he said
"Ouch cmonn I know I wasn't good at writing lyrics at that point!" I said and kaito laughed
"Well it's the emotion and heart that matters in lyrics doncha think?" Kaito asked
"Yeah.. true! But I have made some.. questionable songs before but yeah all songs have some kind of meaning in them" I explained
"I find it pretty cool that you can make song out of any kind of feelings.. anger sadness or even happiness.. it is really cool" kaito said
"Mhmm! Of course it is! That one of the few reasons why I guess I'm good at singing.. I'm just.. good at conveying my feelings in a song" I said
"And you wrote lyrics about moon bunnies" kaito added and I hit him playfully
"Heyyy I said I was a kid at that point!" I said as me and kaito burst out laughing
"Mann seems like you guys are having a good time" we both turned to see maki behind us with shuichi
"Ah we should start training again! Let's go y/n!" Kaito said and I nodded as I followed him

I hope kaito is in a good place now..

He has to be..

I suddenly remembered the pills that kaito gave to me..

"You can keep it! Consider it a gift from kaito momota! Luminary of the stars!!"

I should give it to maki.. she might need it the most..

I then looked at the book that.. kokichi wrote out his parts of the class trial.. a dialogue for every different outcomes in any situation..

This must have taken a lot of time..

"Kokichi wanted me to give this to you.. you seem to be an important person to him!" He said while smiling..

I began flipping pages seeing all the weird usual stuff he says which made me laugh a little..
I flipped the pages till the last to see a message on the last page..


Y/n - Nope definitely not!!!
Shuichi-  no I guess? Nah he's fine

aki- Annoying but no
Kaito- Too dumb.. nope!
Keebo-  dunno he's a robot.. sus
Miu- nah she's good (dead)
Gonta- Too dumb.. too kind(dead)
Angie- Atua is sus (dead)
Himiko- Childish nope..
Tenko- No?? Idk she seems okay.. (dead)
Kaede- No opinion (dead)
Rantaro-  Maybe.. (dead)
Kiyo- Maybe again (dead)
Tsumugi- Maybe again part 2
Kirumi- mom is fine! But still sus (dead)
Ryoma- Maybe prt 3 (dead)

Filtered list:
Ryoma (dead)
Kirumi (dead)
Kiyo (dead)
Rantaro (dead)
Kaede (dead)
Angie (dead)

Hope this helps! :) Also ask monokuma to open my lab.. I left something important there that might help¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Tsumugi and keebo...

I have spent time with both of them.. and they didn't seem any suspicious to me but..

I should take his research into consideration..

I then took this book and the pills and head out to the ground because.. I know maki and shuichi will be there..

"Hey guys!" I said gaining shuichi and Maki's attention and they also greeted me
"What's up?" Maki asked
"I'm here to train.. kaito always told me to! So I am gonna now!" I said earning shuichi's smile
"Let's do it then" he said and I nodded
"By the way maki.. I think you should have this" I said as I handed the pills and she looked confused
"This was the last thing kaito gave me.. he wanted me to keep it as a gift but I guess it's reasonable for you to hold onto it" I said and maki smiled
"Thanks.. I will treasure this.." maki said and i smiled
"Woah there you guys are!" We all turned to see tsumugi and himiko
"What are you guys doing here?" Shuichi questions
"Well we wanted to train too!" Himiko said
"Yes! For kaito!" Tsumugi said while smiling and we all agreed and started to train together..

Is tsumugi really the mastermind..?

"Ah himiko are you okay?" Tsumugi asked as she gave her water bottle to himiko..

She.. doesn't seem to be..

"Where is keebo?" Shuichi asked

Oh yeah.. where is he..?

Then suddenly there was a huge sound of something breaking down..
"What the hel-"
"We should all get into the main building first!" Maki said as we saw most of the side buildings fall down..
As we got to the top.. we saw..


Destroying the whole place...

"Keebo what are you doing!!?" I screamed
"Keebo get down here!" Maki said
"Yes keebo why are you destroying everything!?" Tsumugi shouted
Keebo seemed to have noticed us and came down to us..

"I can't wait anymore.. I can't stand it.. I can't stand the fact that we don't have a place to go and yet we play the killing game.. so if we had to die.. then so it be.." keebo said
"Keebo no wait there is a reasonable explanation for everything! Let's think before you do anything" I said
"Yes I agree with y/n.. you shouldn't act out alone like this" shuichi said
"Is your inner voice really telling you to break stuff like that?" Tsumugi asked
"I.. can't hear my inner voice anymore.." keebo said
"We all should find out the truth together" shuichi said
"Yeah! No need to use up your mana like this!" Himiko said
"I... Ugh fine.. time till it the sun rises.. is all you guys get.. find a way to end this tragedy or I will end it on my own! That's the only think I can do as a robot.." he said

"What the actual heck!? You trying to destroy this school is against the rules!!" Monokuma suddenly appeared
"You must be punished keebo!" He said as he brought out his exisals all with the new monokubs..
And then they started to aim their attacks on keebo and keebo being a very steady robot he dodged all the attacks protecting us all..

"You guys shall go on and find a way to finish this mess.. I can take care of the exisals in the meantime" keebo said and we all agreed and started our investigation..

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