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Y/n pov

"The- new- motive-.. this" monodam showed a book
"Isn't this the book from my lab?" Korekiyo asked
"Yes!!! This is the necronomicon! Wonder what you can do with it??" Monokuma suddenly appeared
"Daddy is here!!" Monophanie exclaimed
"A necronomicon is used to bring back the dead" kiyo said
"That's a motive?" Himiko asked
"Seems like it" Miu said
"Woah miu didn't swear that's new.." keebo said and miu hit him
"What kinda borrinnnng motive is this?" Kokichi asked
"What do you mean by bring back the dead?" Shuichi asked
"Ah this must be something shuichi likes! Well welllll.. you can bring back one of the four students who died into this killing game as a transfer student!" Monokuma said

One of them can be revived? Is this possible...?

"Huhhhhh? I honestly think they would be better off dead.. laaammmmeee!" Kokichi said which make maki mad but me and shuichi stopped them
"T-that means.. they are here as.. ghosts!?" Kaito yelped
"Atua said we the student council should try this out" Angie spoke
"Student council?" I asked
"Long story short the students who got brainwashed all gathered to make a student council" kaito said
"And they say their main goal is to stop the killing game and live in this school peacefully" maki said
"Huh? I thought we were gonna escape?" I asked
"Yeah but they claim this dude 'atua' told us to live here in fuckin peace" Miu said
"Yes everyone! We shall test the necronomicon!" Angie said
"Whatever atua says!" Himiko said
"Yes atua knows the way!" Tenko said
"Tenko too?!" I asked and shuichi sighed
"I don't believe that the dead would come alive.. life can never be back once you loose it" korekiyo said
"Woah I didn't think kiyo wouldn't want to do it" kaito said
"This is absolutely trash.. I'm Outta here" kokichi said
"You motherfucker! Come back here!" Miu said as she grabbed kokichi
"Miu leave him be" maki said
"Ah maki desperately wants me to leaveee huh???" Kokichi turned to face her
"Uh... Anyways.. who are you guys planning to bring back?" I asked and everyone stayed silent..

Yeah.. we want everyone back..

One can't be chosen..

"Rantaro is chosen by atua!" Angie suddenly
"Rantaro?" We all questioned
"Yes! Yes! Atua says he chose Rantaro to be resurrected because he was the only one who had not killed anyone, and therefore was the most likely to keep the school's harmony!"
"But you ca-" I was cut off by keebo
"It's atua's orders y/n" keebo said with an apologetic look
"Yes gonta believe what atua says is good for everyone" gonta said
"Yeah! Atua is great" tenko said
"Alright my dear children.. I will do the preparations for the ritual! The student council must follow me and other must eat their dinner and leave to their dorm room! It's atua's wish!!" Angie ordered
"Nyeh anything for atua" himiko said
"Who the fuck are you to control us ditch bitch!?" Miu said
"Ugh this is boring.. it's obvious that the ritual will fail" kokichi said
"Nuh uh! This ritual is all real! And it will work!!" Monokuma argued
"S-shut u-up.. g-ghosts aren't real!! They can't be brought back!!" Kaito said
"Ah.. kaito seems.. too scared" I said
"Kaito maybe you should just.. forget about it?" Shuichi said
"All big talk for a scared idiot" maki said
"I'm not scared! I'm not an idiot either!! I'm just not feeling great!" He said as he laughed
"Then you should go to your room kaito" kiyo said
"Yep I was gonna do that! Thanks for the reminder kiyo! See ya guys tomorrow!" He said as he left
"He acts like a child.." I heard maki mumble
"Hehe seems like you grew fond of him" I said
"Do you wanna die?"
"No ma'am"
"We shouldn't go outside at nightime? Then what about our training?" Shuichi asked
"Not going outside?" I asked
"It was a rule of the student council" maki replied
"Huh what the heck?" I said
"I know right fucking pussies think they rule the whole world!" Miu said
"I think we should feast to keep our spirits up" korekiyo said and everyone agreed and started to eat..

I realised kokichi wasn't here with us and suddenly vanished while we were focused on Angie..
As the kind friend I was I took the liberty to bring kokichi some food..

*Knock knock*

No reply..
Is he even in his room?
I tried to twist the knob and to my surprise the door was open..
Why is his door open? Wait did..

I panicked and went in to see if anything happened to him but to my surprise he wasn't inside..

Uh.. should I leave his food here? Or should I look for him..?

I took a glance around a room and realised that I never really came into his room before.. more like he never really allowed me in..

His room was actually full of many stuff.. it looks really packed..
I can see all of his files and notes he keep his artwork in.. and I noticed a while board with all of the students pictures on it..
He labelled all the students with a trait.. maybe his opinion on that person..
I examined the board to find my picture beneath shuichi's and it's labelled..


Obviously I can deduce that he is suspecting everyone of being the mastermind and the fact that he labelled me a friend..
Does that mean he trusts me?

I smiled to myself thinking about that possibility..

I looked to my side to see a book on his bed.. it seems to have a pen inside as a book mark..
I never knew he was writing something..

I walked over to look at the book but suddenly I heard a door close and I turned towards the sound

"Woah I didn't think you are this braveee~"

Kokichi who is wet and shirtless came out.. making my face instantly go red
"K-koki!? What the heck!?" I said as I covered my eyes
"Ehhhh what do you mean what the heck?? You were the one who came here!" Kokichi said
"I-i came here for giving you your dinner! I'll leave now then!!" I said as I tried to walk past him but kokichi rushed and locked the door
"Geez monokuma didn't close the door when he left? He has no manners what so ever" kokichi said
"Huh? Aren't you then one who should lock it from the inside" I asked and kokichi turned to face me and I blushed even more trying to look away..
Kokichi took it as an advantage and started to come towards me while I back off from him eventually falling in the bed by no space to back up..

"Neehehe were you worried that lil ol me didn't eat his dinner~? Kokichi said as I watched him take the book from the corner of my eye
"I...-" I was cut off by kokichi who threw his sheets on me
"Wha- hey what the-!?"
"You can take off the covers if you wanna watch me dress myself~ I don't minddddd!" Kokichi said which made me go red as a tomato..
"J-just dress up already!" I said as I closed my eyes even though I'm covered by a blanket..
I started to rewind my memory and watch kokichi without anything on without realising..

He looked.. skinny..
Is he eating well..?
I also never realised he was.. that pale..
Is he alright?..

What's with the book anyway?

Did he not want me to see it..?

I wonder what's inside that..

"Damn you really closed your eyes even if you had a blanket on!?" Kokichi said as he laughed

Not the crazy laugh he does when he's around everyone..

A laugh.. a childish one..

I got up but still on bed and hugged kokichi without thinking..
"Y-y/n?" He said in a confused tone
"Can we stay like this for a while?" I asked still embarrassed at what I'm doing..
"Mmhm.. sure.." kokichi said with a soothing voice..

He is different when he.. acts like this..

And I.. like it..

"Are you alright? Did anything happen while I was gone?" Kokichi asked
"No.. I just wanted.. to hug you.." I said
Kokichi didn't reply but I can feel his heart beat.. it's fast..
"Are you eating alright?" I asked as I broke the hug
"Huh? Yeah?" Kokichi answered a bit uncertain
"Are you lying?" I asked

Sigh.. I knew it..

I got off the bed and took the box that I packed his dinner in..
"Do you.. want me to feed it?" I asked without think and kokichi looked at me with a little blush..

What the heck am I saying!?

"Neehehe~ my wife wants me tonight it seems!!" Kokichi said and I quickly hit him with a pillow
"Ughh forget I asked that!!" I said and kokichi laughed
"Pwease fwed me wifeyyy!" Kokichi said
"Just eat it already!" I said as I took some food and stuff it in his mouth to shut him up..
"Munkhx (thanks)"
"Don't speak while you eat stupid!"

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