Chapter 9

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3rd Person POV

Another day in the kingdom of Lev. And oh my! What do you know? A 1 year time-skip has occurred (very smooth author-san...)

James' POV

I'm seven years old now! Still a basically a baby though so that sucks... Why can't time go faster?

During the last months my future husband Prince Albert has decided to finally go to the playdates with the four dukes and royal family... TOOK HIM LONG ENOUGH! But I can't stay mad at him.

Today we have another playdate scheduled. So, I need to look my best to make my lovely husband Gay!

3rd Person POV

As James got ready with Anne's help, he would drift off to daydream land and fantasize with his oh so "dreamy" future prince. Anne was having none of that though. "Young Lord! Could you please pay attention to where you are going?" Says Anne as she stares at James, annoyed by his actions since he had crashed with a wall and now laid on the floor like an idiot.

The day continues as such. Poor Anne having to take care of a dazed seven year old that she has no idea why he is acting so off. "If I may be so bold as to speak my lady." Says Anne as she bows to Lady Azuree while James takes his seat on the table to eat breakfast. "Hm? What is it Anne?" Says Isabelle curiously. "Please do not be alarmed my lady, but I think the young Lord may be ill." Whispers Anne calmly.

However, Isabelle hearing this abruptly stands up in a panic and rushes towards James. "Why did you not say so earlier??!!! What is the matter?! Is it a fever?! Allergies?! Nausea?! ARE YOU DYING??????!!!!!!" Asks Isabelle hysterically. Meanwhile James zones out his mother's hysterics, already being used to it by now.

"Please calm yourself my lady, it is nothing of the sort. I have already checked the young lord's temperature and that does not seem to be the case... I am only concerned as he is spacing out quite often today." Says Anne. "Oh... Well, why didn't you start with that?! It is fine Anne! James spaces out all of the time!" Says Isabelle, back to her cheerful self.

Isabelle then, having finished her breakfast, proceeds to prepare to leave for the playdate with James later. "Well, you see my lady, he seems to be doing so much more often than before, he has been crashing into walls as well." Says Anne worriedly while walking a step behind Lady Isabelle. "Oh my, now that is quite odd even for him... Oh! I know! Maybe he is love sick!" Says Isabelle excitedly.

"Lovesick?" Says Anne unbelieving. "Yes! And I bet I know who it is for as well. Little Viola! Those two have been like peas in a pod ever since they met. I would not be surprised if he has fallen for such a lovely doll such as her. And likewise, I bet the darling has fallen for my wonderful and dashing son! None could ever resist his charms after all!" Says Isabelle with stars in her eyes while Anne can only stare at her lady with a deadpan stare. "Ah yes! Young love~" Says Isabelle as she can already imagine the two children together.

Time Skip

In the Digne Manor, the children sat around a glass table while drinking tea and eating elegant pastries. James had found the manor quite over the top at first, but he couldn't very much say anything since his manor looked like a glass palace itself. When he first saw the mansion, he could've confused it for an extravagant fortress of sorts; the walls were painted silvery grey, white and black and had a very iron-like feel to it; the mansion itself also seemed to be reinforced and well-guarded no matter how ironic it may seem, seeing as the mansion resided on the seaside with docks and sea trading routes as it's main asset.

"So, how has everyone been?"

Says Viola calmly as she sets her teacup down on the table gently. "Well I-" Starts Raymond until he is abruptly cut off by the king of bitterness himself. "Why should I tell you anything?" Says Edmund as he eyes Viola with narrowed eyes and a scowl on his face. "My, my, Lord Edmund. You do seem to be quite bothered as of now." Says Viola as her friendly smile twitches upward ever so slightly. "Hmph, wouldn't you like to know." Responds Edmund in a slightly rude tone of voice.

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