Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

As James and Viola calmly walk through the halls of the creepy mansion, James takes a look around the dark colored walls and violet decorations. 'It actually doesn't look that creepy from the inside. I guess the windows and open curtains make a huge difference huh?' As James finishes thinking this, he remembers how Viola handled his younger sister's crying.

"Hey Viola?" Asks James curiously. "Hm?" Responds Viola signifying she is paying attention, however, she is quickly snapped out of her own line of thought since she realized her informal response that could be taken as a rude insult. "I-I mean, pardon?" She tries to correct herself nervously. At this James can only stare 'Pardon?...' He thinks questioningly as his attention is suddenly on Viola's slightly fearful eyes, knowing that look all too well. "... *Sigh* You don't have to be so formal Viola... Your mom isn't here anymore and I don't mind. Relax will ya?" Says James slightly annoyed by Viola's formality.

At this Viola can only avert her gaze nervously which results in another sigh from James, yet he brushes it off since he doesn't care that much. He knows she'll eventually loosen up at her own pace. "How did you get my sister to stop crying?" Asks James curiously. This catches Viola's attention as she turns to face James while they walk and looks at him meekly, which is quite out of character for the always-confident girl.

"Well... The song I was humming was actually a song my maid Jessamine would sing when I could not fall asleep. Therefore, when I saw Lady Azuree's daughter in such a panic, I thought the same song Jessamine sang to me could possibly calm her down as well." Says Viola with a soft smile, clearly looking back on fond memories.

Viola's explanation brought a few of James's memories back as well. He suddenly got a flashback of his past life.


His mother gently wiping his tears away as she hugged his small trembling and sobbing form that had just entered the house. His pained eyes filled with tears as he roughly wiped them away, flinching every time he accidentally touched a bruise or scratch on his face. He held his mother tightly as if she would disappear and abandon him to his cruel fate if he dared to let go. As he basked in his only comfort that this life provided him with since birth, his dear mother held him close while with a warm and love filled voice she began to sing him a sweet lullaby.

"Hush your cries
Close your eyes
Stay with me
Let's just dream
Of what might be

Calm your fear
I'll be near
To you
I'll cling
Rest my friend
Time can mend
Many things

I don't know the answers
Tomorrow's still unknown
But I can make this promise
You won't be alone~"

As Hideki's mother continued to sing, she held him tighter while she herself, began to cry as well.

End of Flashback

James is then snapped out of his thoughts when he hears Viola's concerned voice calling him. "Huh? Ah! Sorry, what is it Viola?" Asks James nervously. "A-are you alright? You appear to be on the verge of tears..." Asks Viola equally as nervous but for a different reason.

This lead James to hurriedly touch his face on instinct, checking for tears, but to his relief there were none. 'That was a close call...' He thinks as he tries to collect himself again. "Oh! Yeah, I'm fine..." Says James, after his answer however, silence ensues.

At the awkward silence, Viola clears her throat and attempts to change the subject. "How is it like to have a younger sibling." Viola asks still a bit shaken up as her wording isn't quite what she would call polite, much less her dear mother. But James pays it no mind and is actually thankful for Viola's conversational skills.

"Ah, it's pretty fun actually. I mean, at first my mom and dad were worried I would get jealous and all, but it was fine after a while of getting used to it. And getting to be an older brother is pretty great too." Says James carelessly. Yet, anyone can tell that his carefree attitude masks the excitement of being an older sibling and care he holds for his sister already.

"Oh! It must be absolutely splendid to play with her! Have you taught her anything? She is quite the adorable child as well! I would love to play dress up with her!" Viola begins to ramble catching James off guard.

'Is she... A siscon?' James wonders as he stares blankly at Viola, shocked at her sudden excitement. Although Viola's sudden bursts of energy and interest are not uncommon, it is rather strange for her to act this way with this kind of topic.

Seeing James' surprised stare, Viola finally realizes her actions and immediately flushes bright red and apologizes for her inappropriate rambling. 'Hehe... How cute.' thinks James as he stares at Viola fondly. He admits to being a slight siscon himself seeing as he had always wanted a younger sibling in his past life. But seeing Viola's sudden excitement and slight fangirling over his cute younger sister was quite endearing and cute in his opinion.

After all, the huge difference between her adorable and lively self that held childish curiosity for everything around her as well as joy over the simplest things was clearly showing how much of a child she still was compared to her adult-like elegant and knowledgeable façade she always puts up by command of her strict mother. And seeing as he has the mind of a high school teenager, James couldn't help but to find her childish wonder and innocence completely adorable and precious.

'*Sigh* how cruel is life... I really wish she wouldn't get corrupted by it.' Thinks James as he slightly envies Viola, since she still has that shine in her eyes that all children have before being fully exposed to the real world.

Although... He also knows, that as cute and childish as she is... She has already been corrupted... Her mother was the obvious source after all.

Seeing as Viola has already been tainted by society's standards and judgemental opinions... She is no longer innocent... She is no longer accepting... She can barely be considered a child at this point.

'It's too late. Even if I could convince everyone else to accept me for who I am... Viola is no longer an option... I don't think she ever was an option from the start... Which means... My secret can never be revealed.' Thinks James as he walks next to Viola.

Both children walking side by side. One with usual hidden caution. The other with nervous glances and fearful secrecy for the future that's to come.

What will the future hold for these two possible enemies whom are superficially considered friends.


(The song in this chapter is not mine; it's called "Home" by Jeff Williams. This song is from RWBY, and the only song that could pass as a lullaby I could think of).

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