Chapter 4

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The photo above is what Viola Puissante is supposed to look like, although she usually wears dark and extravagant clothes like from the 1800s, she's also a bit in the short side (like around 5'6ft, 168cm tall).

I do not own the picture above nor any pictures for that matter. All pictures belong to their rightful owners.


James' POV

As I wait for the crown prince... And side characters, I start to feel a bit nervous. I mean, me?! Anxious?! Neeeeveeeerr! I mean, it's not like messing up will blow my only chance at a good first impression for my crush and might give a bad impression to everyone which could make Viola spread nasty rumors about me and completely destroy any chance I might have had to make friends in this life... Yeah...

Ok, I need to make a plan... But I suck at intelligence required activities! I have no brain actually! It's just empty in there! What 'm I gonna do?! Code RED!!!! Abort mission!!!! I can't meet Viola yet!!! Much less the Crown Prince!!! I need, I need...

I'm doomed...

Ok, breathe... Viola Puissante, that sure is a mouthful... She controls the network of gossip and is basically the uncrowned queen of social gatherings, she can destroy anyone and their family if she wanted to. Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your family! Ah, but she never did though... Can I just assume she's nice? No! She may be a bit nice, but she was molded by her just as crazy mom to be a perfect carbon copy, she's elegant and smart, too smart actually... She could read me like an open book... Sh*t...

I guess that means I can't pretend to be straight, right? I mean considering the way people act in the game they seem to be from way before gay was even officially established as a thing, so I would definitely be in trouble if anyone found out... But how am I gonna romance the prince then?! Oh, wait, I can just make him fall for me and blame his gay for making me gay... And since he's the crown prince, it could actually all work out in my favor. Yes! That's my plan now. That is if Viola doesn't find me out before then...

Time Skip

Still James' POV

So... Here we are...

Why is no one doing anything?! This is so awkward! We are literally just sitting in a room just staring at each other!

3rd Person POV

As the children of the four Dukes of the Lev kingdom and their Prince sit in silence, James internally panics. That is until Viola Puissante gracefully sips her tea which makes the other children turn to look at her. She then gently places her teacup back on the center table. "I think we should introduce ourselves, to break the ice. I'll go first. My name is Viola Puissante, only child of Duke Puissante of the North. I am five years of age. I am fond of tea and sugary sweets as well as flowers and books. I hope to befriend you all and get along well from here forth." Said Viola in a smooth and clear voice as she elegantly curtsies right after. '... She's that smooth at That age?! My seventeen-year-old introverted self could never...' thinks James nervously.

As Viola takes her seat, the next to stand up is the crown prince, as he cannot let himself be beaten by anyone, much less a girl. "My name is Albert Roi, eldest child of the King of Lev and Crown Prince to the throne. I am six years of age. I am fond of reading and sparring. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances and I hope we can get along." Said the crown prince in a kind voice as he sat down. 'Pft, he hasn't even debuted into society, much less given the title of crown prince... How cocky.' Thinks Viola surprisingly as she feels slight disdain for the crown prince.

After Albert takes his seat, Edmund immediately yet somehow calmly stands up to introduce himself. "My name is Edmund Digne, only child of Duke Digne of the South. I am six years of age. I am fond of music and reading. I hope we can work together from here forth." Said Edmund blankly as he bowed afterwards a bit stiffly and sat down. 'Work together?!' thought everyone, sweat-dropping at Edmund's wording. 'Ah, so he is that type... No wonder he was so quick to introduce himself after his highness.' Thinks Viola analyzing everyone like a hawk to its prey. 'Suck up.' Thinks James sullenly.

After Edmund is seated, a few seconds pass until Raymond stands a bit fidgety. "My name is Raymond Genie, only child of Duke Genie of the East. I am five years of age. I am fond of hazelnut cake and sparring. I-I hope to befriend you all." Said Raymond slightly nervous and silently cursing himself for stuttering at the end as he bowed smoothly and took his seat. 'Hazelnut cake and sparring... *Giggle* and that stutter at the end, how cute.' Thought Viola, amused by Raymond's slightly off introduction.

After Raymond is seated, a few seconds go by as everyone turns to look at James expectantly. Meanwhile, James has been dreading this moment this whole time. 'O-oh well, guess I'll just take a leap of faith and see how it goes.' Thinks James as he abruptly stands up making a few kids flinch (except robot Edmund). "I'm James Azuree! The only child of Duke Azuree. I'm five years old, but I'm turning six soon. I like sweets and cats and tea parties and some other things too. Let's all be friends and have fun together!" Said James in an nervous yet energetic and childlike brightness as he clumsily and quickly bows with a wide smile on his face and sits down. After James' introduction everything went quiet in shock. '... Oh no... D-did I do something wrong? Do they hate me now?' Thinks James while growing more and more anxious by the second.

Meanwhile Viola just stares at James in shock as her heart beats fast. 'So... Bright.' She thinks after witnessing James' happy and open attitude.

Viola then breaks the shocked silence by slowly smiling widely. She then breaks her graceful and elegant demeanor by throwing herself on James and hugging him while laughing in joy. "You are quite odd." Said Viola happily as everyone is once again taken aback but this time at Viola's actions. James however, although shocked at first begins to relax.

"I agree with James! Let us be close friends and have fun together!" Said Viola happily. At this everyone visibly relaxed and smiled softly (except for robot Edmund of course). James took a second to process what Viola had said while his rapidly beating heart almost brings him to tears, he slowly smiles widely as he hugs Viola back. "Yeah! Let's be friends! Oh! Let's go play outside, I know a good place where we can go!" Says James excitedly as he gets up and everyone follows him to play outside.

That was the start of the endearing friendship of those five children, the future most powerful people in the kingdom of Lev.

'I have... Friends...' Thought James as he tried so hard not to tear up from pure joy.

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