Chapter 10

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Not me writing a new chapter during class instead of paying attention...

I am literally typing this into Wattpad during my math class. RIP. Wish me luck.

Edit: For anyone wondering I passed the class ^^^


[] <These parentheses mean a flashback ok. Like if something is being narrated inside the parentheses it's a flashback.


3rd Person POV

Another day comes once again for the young noble child. James wakes up to his maid Anne opening the curtains with the purpose of torturing him into getting out of bed as she has done countless times before. "Anne! 10 more minutes!!" Groans James as he rolls around in bed throwing his usual tantrum. "Young Lord, if you have the energy to throw such a fit, then you surely have to energy to get up." Says Anne, clearly annoyed, as she yanks the blanket off of James. "Noooo!!!" He screeches.

Yes, just another day in the Azuree manor.

Time Skip

"You are simply the most precious and adorable little jewel my little Christine." Says Lady Isabelle Azuree as she gushes over her now one year old daughter at the entrance of the Azuree manor.

"Say bye bye to mama sweetie!" She says as she pats her daughter's head. "Mama!!!" Says the little Christine with a wide smile. Isabelle then gushes at her cuteness and hugs her daughter as both of them giggle.

"Are you ready to depart for the Puissante Manor Jammie?" Asks Lady Azuree to her eldest child while setting her younger daughter in the arms of said child's personal maid. James can only sweat-drop at his mother's actions. 'At least my sister now shares my pain.' he thinks as he then smiles at his mother.

"Yeah! Ready to go." James says while Isabelle gushes over her handsome son. "*Squeal* Indeed my precious son could not be any cuter!" She says as James internally sighs at his mother's actions. "Very well then... Well shall now... GOOOOO!!!" Yells Lady Azuree as she grabs James' wrist and rushes to the carriage that awaits them to go to the Puissante Manor, having been invited by Duchess Victoria Puissante and her daughter Lady Viola Puissante for a small and casual tea party.

Time Skip

As James and Lady Isabelle arrive at the all too familiar dark and ominous Puissante Manor, they are soon greeted by Duchess Puissante and Lady Viola.

James steps out of the carriage with the dignity of the child of high nobility he is, gliding down the steps in swift movements and standing to the side of the steps to help his mother out of the carriage. Gently lifting his right hand and delicately holding Lady Azuree's hand as she gracefully steps out of the carriage and guiding her down the steps, the sunlight framing the flawless faces and upright frames as if straight from a fairy tale.

Anyone who would be lucky enough to witness this beautiful display of elegance coupled with their stunning looks would clearly see the two's noble status in their fluid movements alone.

"VICTORIIIAAAAAAA!!!" Yells Lady Azuree as she lets go of her son's hand and rushes to her childhood friend, ready to tackle said friend in a hug. Victoria however, already used to this, side steps resulting in Lady Isabelle anime faceplanting on the floor. "Goodness Lady Isabelle. Are you not capable of keeping up appearances until we reach the interior of the manor at the very least?" Asks Victoria as she looks down at her friend with a sigh. "So meeeeaaaan!" Says Lady Isabelle as she anime cries. 'So much for elegance.' Thinks James as he stares at his hyperactive mother.

[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated: Turning an Otome Game Into a BL! Heck Yeah!Where stories live. Discover now