Chapter 16

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3rd Person POV

'Keep calm, keep calm, keep calm.'

Those were the words that young Fannie Modique repeated to herself over and over again as she rode her carriage to what she considered to be "The Lion's Den".

She was startled however when the carriage halted. She slowly looked out her small window to see an intimidating dark and dreary mansion that towered above her as if to haunt her even more.

Fannie took a deep breath and with trembling hands and the friendliest smile she could muster, she prepared herself to exit the carriage.

Once the carriage door opened and she stepped out, she descended as gracefully and carefully as she could.

"Is it me... Or does she look like a scared rabbit to you?" Whispers James to Viola as he watches the nervous girl descend from the carriage infront of them. Viola's mouth twitches (into what James could only guess would have been a smile) as she was caught off guard by that comment. "James don't be rude. Have all my teachings on manners been for nothing?" Scolds Viola quietly as James shakes his head disappointed. "You say that as if I didn't already have an etiquette instructor." States James teasingly. "Fine then, it seems you do not need my tutelage any longer." States Viola playfully as James anime cries waterfalls. "No no no wait Vi! I was kidding pleeeaaaase." Whines James quietly.

As the two noble children playfully bicker they fail to notice Fannie sweat-dropping at their antics. They then turn to her as Fannie flinches from the sudden attention. 'Ah what should I do? Should I just pretend I did not see anything? Yes! I will do just that!' Thinks Fannie nervously as she greets the two children of higher rank.

"Greetings Lord James Azuree of the Western Territory and Lady Viola of the Northern Territory. I, Lady Fannie Modique of the Southern Territory am honored to be invited as a humble guest." Says Fannie as she curtsies.

'Oh no! Did I say it correctly? I did not did I? I know I did not say it properly, but what did I miss?' Thinks Fannie panicked. As she peeks up to look at the two children to see if they noticed her mistake she catches Viola's gaze. 'Ah! Lady Viola noticed! Of course she did, she is well known for her perfect etiquette! I offended her! She must be deciding on a punishment for my insolence!' Thinks Fannie as she dreads her future.

"Fannie." Says Viola. "Ah! P-please spare me! I-I mean, I d-deeply apologize for offending you and will accept any punishment you deem necessary! B-but p-please do not leave any scars!" Says Fannie terrified.

Every servant in the area is left shocked.

After a few seconds of hearing no response Fannie looks up in fear only to be slightly confused at the sight before her.

Viola is left stunned with a shocked and slightly disheveled expression as James is desperately trying to hold back his laughter but ultimately failing.

"U-um pardon my rudeness, but, h-have you decided on my p-punishment my lady?" Asks Fannie nervously.

"PFFT! BWAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Bursts out James as he holds his stomach and doubles over cackling.

This outburst takes Fannie by surprise as she flinches back. Meanwhile Viola is finally snapped out of her stupor and gives a small frown. Viola gives a slightly hurt and sad expression, but said expression disappears in the blink of an eye before anyone can notice such a thing. She turns to James and furrows her eyebrows giving a small glare of displeasure. "HAHAHAHA THAT LOOK! PFFT IT MAKES THIS SO MUHUHCH BETTER! PFFHAHA! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Says James in the midst of his hysterical laughter. Viola only sighs and turns to Fannie as James tries to calm down.

Viola stares at Fannie with an unreadable expression for a bit, making Fannie uncomfortable. Viola then sighs once more. "Lady Fannie, I... I have absolutely no such intentions to harm you in any way. Much less punish you at all." States Viola as Fannie relaxes a bit from her tense posture.

"Y-you... Don't?" Asks Fannie shocked as Viola shakes her head no. James now seeming to have calmed down gives Fannie a teasing grin. "Heh, what even gave you the impression that she'd want to punish you?" Asks James. 'Not gonna lie though, that sounded kinky as hell... Just saying.' Thinks James as he tries to not go on another laughing fit.

"W-well... I have heard from the other nobles that Lady Victoria has a reputation of strictly upholding proper etiquette in noble society... She has been rumored to be merciless towards such transgressions and even more so to those of lower status... And... Many say that the apple does not fall far from the tree..." Says Fannie, the last part more quietly so, with a bit of hesitance.

James knew that Viola would be upset with said rumors, especially seeing as she slightly flinched at the mention of her mother.

"Well that's nothin' but lies!" Says James as he rests his hand on Viola's shoulder. "She may look stuck up and all that, but Viola is too big of a softie to hurt anyone." Says James as Viola slightly blushes at the last part. "I am no 'softie' Lord James!" Says Viola outraged as James laughs. "I'd say if anything she resembles her father the most." Says James as Viola goes silent and lowers her head, her face being covered by her hair, making her reaction unreadable.

Fannie watches their interaction as she begins to relax around the other two children.

Viola raises her head, seemingly having recollected herself. "Well. We have been standing here for long enough. Let us go to the garden and enjoy some tea, it is a lovely day after all." Says Viola as Fannie snaps out of her trance.

"Ah wait, what about etiquette?" Says Fannie as they have not finished greeting each other. "Pfft! We don't need that! If you're going to be our friend, we gotta stand on equal terms." Says James as Fannie's eyes widen with disbelief, her heartbeat increasing as she gazes at the two high nobles that disregard the rules and invite her into their friendship wholeheartedly.

"You simply say that because you are just lazy." Says Viola with a condescending look as James flinches. "I've been caught." He says with a nervous chuckle as Viola sighs.

"Disregarding etiquette is not something you should take lightly James." Says Viola with a serious tone. But before any tension can linger in their conversation, Viola drops the subject and turns towards the other guest a few ways down the stairs.

Viola then approaches Fannie and holds both her hands gently. Fannie looks down at her hands with a small blush as she looks back up at Viola. "The flowers in my family's garden are the most beautiful in the kingdom, you must gaze at them with your own eyes!" Says Viola cheerfully as James comes from behind Viola. "I can testify to that." Says James as he raises his hand with a smile.

Both noble children now drag Fannie into the mansion and out to the garden to play and enjoy each other's company.

As James and Viola laugh and have fun so genuinely, Fannie finds herself joining them in this small escape from reality.

For as the children laugh and play without a care, this garden now seems out of a fairytale.


If you have any suggestions for anything extra like say a filler chapter or a Q and A or a crossover then let me know cuz I'm pretty open minded with that kind of stuff.

I am still debating on whether I should just write the whole "Discontinued" thing off as a Hiatus and just continue the darn story. Or if I should just finish rewriting the chapters and be done it with. But idk, I still have a clear image of this story, and I still think it has potential. The real question is whether I want to commit to it because...... 1 I'm lazy, and 2 I have other things going on in life....

I'm willing to write filler chapters and any scenario suggestions for my characters though, cuz even if the story is pretty hard to write, I'm pretty sure I understand the characters enough to make some scenarios for them. So you know, feel free to just ask if you want to.

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