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3rd Person POV

The sun shines through an open window into a tidy and expensive looking room, yet even if the room itself seems expensive, it is also quite simple and minimalistic.

It is early morning an hour after sunrise yet there seems to be no one in said room, the bed sheets having already been folded neatly as well.

The young girl walks down the halls of the manor. Her steps soft and silent not bothering to show a presence nor power, instead, showing a delicate demeanor and a rather ominous carefulness along with the quietness. Her posture straight yet focused more on the floor rather than the ceiling, for cautiousness is misplaced in the sky. Her serious poker face showing her casual demeanor early in the morning.

However, as she spots a maid from afar, she immediately straightens her posture and lifts her gaze, she adds firmness and grace to her step making sure to emit the aura suiting her social status while she smiles brightly with glittering kind eyes and a sweet innocent smile, her demeanor appearing brighter unlike just a minute ago.

"Good morning Young Mistress, I hope the day finds you well." Says the maid with a smile as she greets her young mistress with a curtsy. "Ah, Elaine! Thank you, I too, hope this beautiful morning finds you well." Says Viola brightly. "It is quite the beautiful morning isn't it. Oh! Would you like for me to set up tea outside in the garden this afternoon young miss?" Asks Elaine excitedly. "That would be lovely! Thank you Elaine." Says Viola as she holds Elaine's hand while thanking her with a closed eyed smile.

Elaine blushes slightly at her young miss's bright and sweet smile. "Then I will make the preparations now, excuse me." Says Elaine as she scurries away to busy herself trying to get rid of her blush. "Ah but it is barely seven in the morning..." Trails off Viola as she looks at Elaine hurrying to her task.

A soon as Elaine leaves Viola's smile drops and her demeanor changes once more. She walks down the halls on her way to eat some breakfast.

Time Skip

It is now time for the scheduled tea party with Lady Azuree and her son. However, as always, they are late.

Viola stands with perfect posture and a friendly smile as she watches James help his mother out of the carriage, both of them effortlessly having the presence of high nobles while their smooth movements and demeanor only emphasizes their status. 'He may not rival Edmund nor the crown prince in any way, but his presence is still amazing, especially for his age. Such is to be expected from the son of a duke I suppose.' Thinks Viola as she watches James walk up to the manor's entrance while his mother has started her immature shenanigans.

"Greetings Duchess Puissante, I take it you are well this fine morning." Says James charmingly while bowing elegantly to the duchess. "Ah, this is what I mean. How could it possibly be, that your son is more mature than you Lady Isabelle." Says Victoria as Isabelle gets hit by that jab at her pride. 'Ah, I see he is trying to impress my mother. An impossible feat to accomplish really, but I suppose his mother gives him leeway, so he has a chance.' Viola thinks as she analyzes her husband-to-be.

"His posture is excellent... his manners are impeccable as well... hm, his wording could use some more eloquence... however, impressive in whole. I take it You had no part in this, hm?" Says Victoria in a teasing manner to her friend from her academy days. 'And she has been sold, I suppose it makes sense since everything is in James's favor at the moment, his family, status, riches. His behavior is only the extra factor really...' Thinks Viola having little concern for matters that have already been decided for her.

"Mother, shall we enter the manor to continue our conversation over tea?" Says Viola after having greeted James while she was internally monologuing to herself. "Yes of course. Let us continue over a lovely cup of tea." Says Victoria as she turns toward the manor and walks toward the room where they would enjoy their tea while Viola walks a step behind her with just as much elegance as her mother.

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