Chapter 3

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The picture above is not mine, but it's an image of what Prince Albert Roi is supposed to look like but with red eyes.

And James' appearance is the cover image of the book but taller.

All pictures belong to their rightful owners. (Not me).

3rd Person POV

A maid with brown hair and brown eyes is seen walking with hurried steps down a mansion's hallway. As she reaches a specific door, she knocks on it lightly, hearing no response she proceeds to knock again, and again no response. At this point she just slowly opens the door and steps in barely being able to see in the darkness of the room. She then walks towards a pair of curtains and opens them widely to let in the shinning sunlight. As she does so, a groan is heard behind her.

James's POV

I am suddenly woken up by a shinning bright light. 'Who dares awaken me from my precious sleep?!' I think angrily, but either way, I know too well who it is. "*Groan* Anne, whyyyyy?!" I drawl out in a whiny voice dreading to start off a new day. "James-sama, you must get up, we have to get you ready to start the day." Said my maid Anne as she walks towards my bedside. But joke's on her cause there's no way I'm getting up. I bury myself under my sheets and hide my head under my pillow hoping to get a bit of sleep. But Anne rips my source of warmth away from me along with my soft head shield, which leaves me defenseless against her abuse and tyranny.

"James-sama you are meeting the children of the other Dukes today, could you please cooperate this once?" Begged Anne. And I guess I can take a bit of pity on her... Not! My sleep is sacred, and no one will take it away from me!

Wait a sec... Did she say other Dukes' children?! That means... The crown prince will be there too...

I spring up from my bed suddenly, startling Anne who fell back from my sudden movements. I have to get ready!

I scurry out of bed and stare at Anne impatiently. "Well? What are we waiting for? Didn't you say I need to hurry?" I said in a rush as Anne was snapped out of her shock and got up quickly to get me ready for the day.

I wore a pristine and spotless dark blue jacket with dark blue pants and a dark blue tie over a white dress shirt and white dress shoes, my white hair was as well combed as possible, but I don't like tamed hair so...

I walk towards the table where my parents are already seated at having breakfast. I take a seat as my mom greets me. "James! Baby you look so adorable in that suit! But then again you always look adorable in anything you wear!" Said my mom, I am already used to her doting nature. "Thanks mom! So, Anne told me I'm meeting the kids of the other Dukes." I said. "Yes, we have invited the Dukes and their children so that you could meet each other, as potential heirs of the four dukedoms you must have close ties to each other after all. With that being said, be on your best behavior today. Am I understood?" Said my dad giving me a slightly stern look. I nodded and answered. "Of course dad. I can't wait to meet them!"

"Honestly though Vincent, do you really think our gorgeous angel James would ever do anything wrong?" Said my mother. "Of course not my love, I was just making sure." Answered my dad immediately. I have to admit, my parents are really lovey dovey with each other, it's honestly really cute. Although, I think the fact that my dad gives my mom whatever she wants no matter the cost kinda contributed to original James' yandere nature... Somehow? '*Sigh* I wonder if Albert and I will be like this.' I think dazed by my fantasies as I excitedly wait for the meeting with the children of the other Dukes.

There are four main dukedoms in the kingdom of Lev. Duke Puissante of the North, Duke Azuree of the West aka my dad, Duke Digne of South, and Duke Genie of the East. The royal family is in the middle area of the kingdom, surrounded by the dukedoms, more specifically the capital, as cliche as it might sound.

Seeing as I'm meeting the supposed heirs to the dukedoms, I bet I'm gonna meet the crown prince too, because in the game the kids of dukes and the crown prince all become close childhood friends at the age of five, and well would ya look at that, I'm actually five years old right now, what an odd coincidence, note the sarcasm.

Let's see, what other characters will I possibly meet... Oh! I'll definitely meet Edmund Digne, the second capture target... He is strict and cold and stiff, too uptight for my tastes. He follows the crown prince like a dog on a leash, heh kinky...

Another character would be... Viola Puissante, she is pretty important to the heroine because she is the heroine's source of insider information, like what's the capture targets' favorite foods, their pasts, traumas, pets, all that stuff. Honestly I want to be her friend, we could gossip together all day long, and she seems to be pretty popular and respected from what I've seen in the game, so, if she's my friend, I'll basically be untouchable... Although she was always portrayed as an iffy character, there always seemed to be something off with her...

Regardless, I'm sure I'll have a bunch of fun with this. Yep, this life is great.

Way better than my old one for sure.

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