Chapter 5

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The picture above is what Edmund Digne will look like. Edmund has slightly tamer hair than the image above but otherwise it's pretty accurate, and since I couldn't figure out how to add 2 images on mobile I'm gonna add another image at the end of this chapter just cause I thought it was necessary.

I don't own any images in this book.

All images belong to their rightful owners.

James's POV

It's been 5 months already. Time actually does fly by huh? Well now that I have friends at least. I never would have guessed that I would be such good friends with Viola either, she actually scared me a bit. Who would have thought that she was so friendly, but then again, she's still very young... I wonder if she'll change, I sure hope not.

I've also gotten closer with my future husband. Viola and I have basically dragged the other boys to hang out and they don't seem to protest either... I just have to keep this up and I'll win Albert's heart in no time.

But today, Viola invited us over to her estate, apparently she wanted to "Entertain us", she really hasn't let go of that confusing fancy wording of hers, although I feel like she's not using it properly. But I guess I can't complain, with a mom likes her's I don't think I'd even survive.

I wonder what her estate will look like though, her family seems stuck up so I might see gold everywhere...

3rd Person POV

As James arrives at Viola's estate in one of his family's carriages, his mother eagerly awaiting their arrival like a little girl would a new toy, James looks out the window eager to see what the estate looks like. James is then met with a grand gothic styled estate with dark and dreary colors that scream haunted mansion, this view greatly contrasting James's own estate that had more of a palace-like look with many vibrant dark blue shades accentuated with white and silver as well as intricate glass decorations.

'How the hell is Viola not the villainess...' Thinks James as he stares at the grand estate uneasily. '... Can we go back home?' James thinks as he steps out of the carriage with his eager mother and is met face to face with the intimidating mansion that looks bigger and scarier up close, this as well as the couple standing before him ready to greet him and his mother.

A quite short lady with a slim waist and curvaceous body stands before him as she flaunts her brights blonde hair that somehow seems to have a dark undertone while it flows down her back as a cascade of soft silk with bangs framing her flawless skin, her piercing vibrant green eyes are feminine and alluring. She wears a slight polite smile so as to seem friendly, even though her appearance alone seems quite cold, standing tall even with her short stature wearing an intricate laced dress with dark colors that do not suit her bright features yet seem to suit her aura perfectly, she is also not short on jewelry and makeup, yet it somehow doesn't seem haughty but rather fitting of her status, a proclamation of pride if you will, no more, and no less.

'This lady... She's so scary!!! And that corset she's wearing must be strangling her to death. Doesn't it hurt?!' Thinks James as he slightly takes a step back behind his mom, but his mom pays his actions no mind as she approaches the scary lady with a huge grin plastered on her face and greets her excitedly.

"Victoria!! I've missed you so muuuuch! I'm so happy to see you! It's been forever!" Says lady Isabelle as she openly shows her excitement yet still weary of the current baby she's holding in her arms. "Greetings Lady Azuree, I am pleased to see you well. I hope you and your children will enjoy your visit here." Says lady Puissante as she curtsies gracefully, seeming even more poised than Viola has ever seemed until now.

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