Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

A maid opens the door to the Azuree Manor. "Apologies Young Lady Puissante. But neither my master nor mistress are available at the moment." Says the maid as Viola only looks at her indifferently. "There seems to be a misunderstanding. I am here to see Young Lord James." Says Viola as the maid only looks at the girl with slight pity. "I am afraid he is also not available at the moment." Says the maid.

"I see." Says Viola plainly. "Jaune, take me to Lady Azuree." Says Viola indifferently as the butler accompanying her bows, "As you wish Young Miss." He says as he opens the doors to the manor. The maid who had opened the door steps back in shock as the butler makes way for Viola. "W-wait! Stop! You are trespassing on the Azuree Manor!" She yells as the other maids and butlers turn toward Viola and a few guards begin to surround her. "*Sigh* what a nuisance." Says Viola as she swiftly rushes underneath the guards' weapons and runs up the stairs of the manor, Jaune takes advantage of the guards' shock and steps in front of the stairs ready to hold off the guards for as long as he can for his young miss to reach Lady Azuree.

The guards snap out of their shock and rush to stop the young lady. Jaune can only hold them back for a few seconds. Fortunately, Viola has already reached the top of the staircase despite her impractical dress and is rushing towards Lady Azuree's office as quickly as she can.

The moment she reaches the office, she rushes inside while closing the door on the guards' faces.

Lady Azuree looks at the girl, startled, while Viola sighs and composes herself as the guards enter the office and surround Viola pointing their weapons at her. "I apologize for such a rude entry Lady Azuree. But I must speak with you." Says Viola calmly as Lady Isabelle looks at her shocked. 'This girl, she is nothing like her mother...' Thinks Lady Isabelle as she composes herself. "You are not welcome here Miss Puissante, I am afraid you must leave." Says Lady Isabelle with resentment in her eyes at what said girl put her son through.

"I am afraid that is not possible Lady Azuree. I have come to see James, and no one will stop me... Not even you." Says Viola seriously as Lady Isabelle glares at her. 'This brat! She may not act like Victoria but her attitude is a spitting image of that stubborn viper.' Thinks Isabelle as she nods towards the guards. The guards begin to close in on Viola.

"Please." Says Viola in an uncharacteristically pleading voice. This catches Lady Azuree's attention. "Please, just listen to what I have to say, Duchess Azuree." Says Viola as she bows to Lady Isabelle.

Lady Isabelle looks at the girl shocked. 'If I have learned anything from the years I have spent with Victoria, it is that her pride may be unrivaled, but she would use any tactic in her arsenal to get her way. However... If Viola is truly like her mother, she has no reason to be here in person... Especially not for such petty revenge...' Thinks Lady Isabelle.

Lady Isabelle raises her hand to stop the guards from closing in on Viola. "What must you say that is so urgent?" Asks Isabelle with a cold gaze. "I am aware that you must be furious at my mother and I for what happened during the announcement. However..." Says Viola as she raises her head to meet Lady Azuree's gaze.

"I... I am... worried." Says Viola, her eyes showing pain and concern. "James has not been seen since the announcement, and I am worried. He is a dear friend to me, no matter what may have happened before. So I beg of you Duchess Azuree, please allow me to talk to him." Says Viola as she bows her head once more.

Lady Isabelle looks at the girl stunned, 'James is vulnerable right now. Letting this little devil's spawn see him would be incredibly foolish. And I would never allow for any harm to befall my precious son. Yet...'




"I will allow it." Says Lady Isabelle, incredibly dejectedly. At this Viola raises her head in shock and a bit of hope. Lady Isabelle seeing her gaze can only sigh. "I have not been able to talk to him, he has locked himself in his room and refuses to open the door or even say a word to anyone. I too am worried. I doubt he would answer to you, but there is a chance he might... you two have always been close... or so I thought... I do not know anymore." Says Lady Azuree as she mumbles the last part in pained sorrow.

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