Chapter 7

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Raymond is a hard character to express based on googled anime boys. I mostly imagine Raymond as a calm and gentle giant type of character. I imagine him to be like the image above but a bit more mature looking.

All images belong to their rightful owners. I own nothing except the story itself and the characters.

James' POV


Life is so cruel...

My dear Albert... HAS FREAKEN DITCHED ME!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't seen him in so long! And he never comes to the arranged playdates anymoreeeeeeee!!

I mean, I get it. The boy is a prince... BUT STILL! What could a nine year old possibly be so busy doing?!



Oh right... Tutors...

My dear and caring parents that I love so much, I love you... But why are you so cruuuuueeeeel??!!!!

The number of tutors I have is just INSANE!! Why do I have to leeeeeaaaaaarrrrrnnnn??? I don't even want this dumb estate. My only goal is to marry Albert! So why do I need KnOwLeDgE?!

Ok, ok, enough complaining. That's just a waste. I still need to deal with my little problem, so I need full concentration mode on.

My little problem being... V-Viola...

3rd Person POV

As Viola, Raymond, and James sat together for a picnic in the garden of the Azuree manor. James glanced wearily at Viola who seemed to be oblivious to his discomfort as she smiled widely beside him while modestly enjoying the food for the picnic.

There was no conversation for now as the children were enjoying the peace and lovely scenery. However, James knew that Viola's silence wasn't particularly normal, and he didn't consider it a good sign either. If anything, Viola's uncharacteristic silence makes him all the more weary of her than before.

"This garden is quite lovely..." Stated Viola in a relaxed and soft voice, one that shocks James since it lacks the usual power and allure that emphasizes her sly intentions. A voice that James thinks, doesn't suit her. "Huh? U-umm thank you?" States James nervously snapped out of his mental rambling.

Viola turns to look at James, "Is everything ok?" She asks, slight concern tinting her voice. "Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Answers James nervously. Viola searches his face clearly seeing his distress now, but ignores it and instead turns back to the picnic food keeping her slightly worried glance on her face, that is, until she grabs a cookie.

Seeing Viola's shift of attention James sighs in relief, but that relief is short lived as Viola gently places the cookie she had grabbed on his lips. James stares at her wide-eyed, not noticing her gentle smile and excited eyes as he is too busy malfunctioning.

Viola looks up at James expectantly. "Say Aaaaaahhh." She says in a chipper voice patiently waiting for James to take a bite of his cookie. 'She's been acting weird like this for a while now. Just out of nowhere. It's definitely not a good thing! Did her mom finally get to her?! Is she plotting something?! What is happening??!!' Thinks James with an awkward anxiousness, worried that Viola might have started to change into her in-game persona already.

Seeing James' wide eyes and unmoving position, Viola gets a bit disheartened as her smile falters slightly. However, she smiles even brighter and recovers by using James' own teeth against him, snapping the cookie in half.

As James realizes what has just happened, he stays stuck with half a cookie in his mouth. 'Ah.... DID SHE JUST FORCE FEED ME A COOKIE WITHOUT ACTUAL FORCE?! What is with- why of all things... Viola is not usually this underhandedly pushy. There's definitely something going on...' Thinks James growing weary and cautious at Viola's sudden change in character.

James then Finally begins to chew and relax just a bit as he tastes the delicious hand-made cookie that Viola had given him, hoping there was no ulterior motives for why she was so insistent to make him eat it. Viola seeing him eat the cookie, smiles brightly with a sense of accomplishment and continues on with enjoying the food and scenery in silence while James returns to his rambling thoughts.

While all this is happening however, Raymond can only awkwardly eat the picnic food as he tries not to think about witnessing PDA right infront of him.

Right now, Raymond feels like the biggest third wheel in history but tries to play it off as if he has nothing to do with the two people infront of him. 'I saw nothing.' He thinks, trying to calm himself down to ease the discomfort and awkwardness. The unusual silence between the two most chatty children in the group not helping at all.

All the while, Viola is happily enjoying herself as if nothing was wrong, and James is stiffly sitting next to Viola, lost in his thoughts.

'*Sigh* I'm not sure if something happened, or if she's finally starting to cave into her mom's influence... But I don't like where this is heading. *Sigh* Aaaaalbeeeert! If only you were here! Viola being such a weirdo wouldn't bother me as much!' Thinks James, uncomfortable with Viola's odd behavior.


"*Atch*" Sneezes the young prince as he tries his best to get through his studies. '*Sigh* How many times have I been sneezing lately? A cold is what I least need at the moment.' Thinks Albert, trying to keep up with the hectic life of a prince.


[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated: Turning an Otome Game Into a BL! Heck Yeah!Where stories live. Discover now