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So as an fyi. I'm sure some of you may be wondering what happened with the whole, "Original James" that killed Hideki subplot and whatnot.

And if you're not... that-kind-of-makes-me-sad-because-I-actually-kind-of-maybe-liked-the-subplot-but-whatever-

But just to explain. I decided to scrap that subplot because a lot of people got confused by it. Like a lot of people were confused of who's James and who the original James is and "What do you mean he killed him? Who killed him? What killed him?."

So due to all of the confusion I just took it out because I'm not a good enough writer to actually explain the subplot properly by story telling rather then just outright telling you.

So yeah, Shimizu Eita no longer exists, and we're doing it traditional Isekai style now.

And the academy arc is coming.... Haha.....


And for the Danganronpa V3 fanfic THAT I NEVER POSTED.

I'm sorry but I'm too much of a perfectionist ok. I literally went back to check the IN-GAME DIALOGUE. EVERY. TIME. to make the damned thing as painfully accurate as possible. Which is stupid, because the game lasts hours but again, I'm too much of a perfectionist so ahahaha.

I've decided to make a genuine fanfiction that's as well made as I possibly can make it (aka just go back to the one I already wrote and make sure it's good to go).... And another one where I just do whatever tf I want (because I want to have fun thank you very much). So yeah. More work.

Don't hold me accountable for anything, we all know how that went last time.... Saying this a year after I Discontinued this book because I'm so inconsistent.

But it's a Hiatus now though, cuz I'm gonna continue it-

Also! To those of you who actually offered to continue this story when I Discontinued it. Thank you so much. And I AM SO SORRY.

I swear I got a few offers and I even said like "Oh yeah I'll send you the info." AND I NEVER DID.

I'm not gonna do anything stupid like that again I promise. I think it's best if I just don't involve other people cuz. When this was happening, my flashdrive where I actually kept all of the info on was not working, so I was trying to fix it. But then I just forgot. So yeah, I'm so sorry for that.

I'm working on this story off of memory and a few notes I still have, so I'm just not gonna make any more promises I can't keep. Cuz I'm too forgetful for that.

But thank you guys so much for offering to continue the story back then, I really do appreciate it.

[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated: Turning an Otome Game Into a BL! Heck Yeah!Where stories live. Discover now