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A/N. Italize words were the plan 

Jaemin is currently at the store to buy some things he needed for work when suddenly someone smacks his butt from behind. He flinched and look behind him frowning, and saw a smiling  someone seems familiar to him

"Hey Jaemin! Remember me?" Haechan asked cheerfully

Jaemin smiled a little "Hi!" he greeted

"You know I always thought Renjun was madly in love with me but that asshole!" 

Jaemin just glanced at him and continued picking things he needed.

Haechan then frowned and decided to level up his acting

"Now I have fallen in love with him and that dumb bitch has fallen for some other dumb guy!"

Jaemin then stopped what he's doing and looked at Haechan

"I want Renjun, Jaemin! I'm ready to give him everything and you have to help me"

"I'm sorry I can't do anything" Jaemin answered and look for things again

"Oh come on Jaemin don't be mean. I just want his phone number! Please"

"Please please please please please" Haechan repeated continuously and pleading so hard 

And Jaemin doesn't have any choice but to look at him back and stop him

"O-okay just stop doing that"

"You think that would work?" Renjun asked Yangyang

"Of course"

"But how would Haechan approach Jaemin" asked Renjun

"You know Haechan's kinda smart I know he can pull it off" Yangyang said

"So you're saying I'm smart now? You just called me stupid yesterday" Haechan said glaring at Yangyang

"It's not me who called you that" said Yangyang looking in Renjun's direction

Haechan then looked at Renjun with a deadly glare

"Woah woah stop that it's giving me chills! Let's go back in planning" said Renjun and they all went back to the discussion

Jaemin and Jeno are currently at the mall, they decided to have a movie date tonight. 

While they were walking to the cinema suddenly Jaemin felt a smack on his butt. He then quickly turns behind him and saw that same face who did it a few days ago.


"Oh Hi Jaemin and Hi Jeno!" said Haechan and winking at Jeno

"Yeah h-hi" Jeno greeted back awkwardly

"By the way have you seen Renjun?" Haechan asked

"Renjun?" asked Jaemin

"You know we're here to watch a romantic movie. It's our date night!" Said Haechan cheerfully

"Movie date? With Renjun?" Jaemin asked unconvinced

"Yeah he's so sweet isn't he?" Haechan said dreamily

"Y-yeah?" Jaemin answered unsurely

Renjun then appears behind Haechan and snakes his arm around his waist

"Hey babe let's go?" Renjun asked looking at Haechan ignoring the two in front of them

"Of course!" Haechan answered and leaves there walking to the cinema

"The plan will work right?"

"Of course Haechan is good in acting"

"Thank you!"

Yeah Jaemin is so pissed off. Because why do they have to be in the same cinema together with just a row apart watching a movie together. 

Renjun and Haechan are so good at acting like they're sweet and of course, they made sure Jaemin can see all it. And they're right 'coz Jaemin can't help but just to shake his head while watching you two.

"After the movie date of course dinner"

Jaemin and Jeno are peacefully having their dinner date when Jaemin saw someone walking towards their table.

"Haechan" Jaemin 

"You are not following us are you?" Haechan asked in a bit serious tone


"Just kidding! I have come with Renjun for a candlelight dinner"

Jaemin and Jeno then flashed their awkward smiles

"He's really so sweet and romantic!"

"By the way what you two are doing here?"

"Ah having dinner?" Jeno answered

"Oww I see you're really a cute couple you know"


Soon after a few more conversations. Renjun arrived 

"Hi babe!" he greeted Haechan

"For you" Renjun said and handed a white rose to Haechan

"Oww thank you. You're so sweet"

"Hey Jaemin. Jeno we'll be having our dinner then bye!" Haechan said and leaves the two

The couple then just nodded and watched them leave.... ah no, they just watch them sat on the table next to them.

Ahmmm more like Jaemin watching them two and he didn't know he's staring for too long already.

"Hey babe are you okay?" Jeno asked

"Ah yeah" Jaemin said and just focused on eating although he don't have any appetite continuing anymore

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