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Love is a non-existent word in Renjun's vocabulary.

If you'll ask him what love is? He'll just answer that it's STUPID! Love is just stupid!

He had already decided that he'll not waste his life by falling in love. It's just not his kind of thing.

He just wanted to play along with any girl or a guy that he met on any occasion. Yes, he's some sort kind of playboy.

Just like that and nothing more.

A perfect love story, that's what Jaemin describes what he has and Jeno.

He and Jeno were like a match made in heaven. They were childhood best friends, share the same hobby which is dancing, attended the same school from elementary to college, instantly clicked in everything, fell in love when they were 16, and their relationship is really supported by their parents and the best part is they're getting married soon as Jeno proposed to him on their 5th anniversary and yeah everything is perfect.

So what happens when Mr. Love doesn't exists meets Mr. I have a perfect Love?

Will someone realizes that love really exists?


One will realize that the perfect love he has is not real?

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