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Jaemin and Renjun's relationship became better.

Although Renjun still does mistakes sometimes, Jaemin became more patient with him and this time they became good friends.

They still do bicker sometimes because Renjun is a hard-headed one but Jaemin is also amazed at how Renjun can put a smile on his face with his jokes and him being playful at work, in a good way. Renjun really had different sides, that's what he thinks.

They did their work smoothly, there's a lot of it but with them working together is a good thing to them as their teamwork became good all of a sudden.

Jaemin then also carries a camera while they were on site and he was supposedly taking pictures of the progress and yeah he does his work that's important but also he did some stolen shots of Renjun whenever he can. He does like to tease him with those tho.

They spent a lot of time together at work, whenever inside the office or on the working site. Mr. Suh's been praising their work also.

Renjun had changed Jaemin noticed. He's doing better now.

And Renjun giving a ride to Jaemin home seems like became a habit too but tonight he had to drop off Jaemin at a restaurant where he was meeting his parents for a dinner.

Renjun always opens the car's door for Jaemin.

Jaemin then stepped out of the car.

"Thank You" Jaemin uttered

"Always welcome" Renjun replied

They both bid their goodbyes and Renjun was about to enter his car again when suddenly Jaemin thought of something.

"Hey Renjun!"

Renjun turns around to look at Jaemin "Yes?"

"Wanna join us for dinner?"

"With your parents?"

"Yeah. Let's go?"

Renjun then nodded and went with Jaemin inside.

"Really? You don't have any girlfriend yet or boyfriend?" Jaemin's mom asked Renjun

Well, Jaemin's parents were interviewing Renjun and asking him things to get to know him and that is one of their questions.

"Mom!" Jaemin said wanting to stop his parents from asking too much

"I don't Mrs. Na, I just haven't found anyone special that is why"

"Oww can I introduce you to someone!" Mrs. Na excitedly said


"What? He's single so maybe I can introduce him to some girls, right Renjun?" 

"Mom you know what I'm leaving ok?" Jaemin said and stood up

"Hey hey hey calm down!" Renjun said grabbing Jaemin's wrist to prevent him from leaving 

Jaemin then sat down again and just sighed

"Actually Mrs. Na there was this someone"

"Oh really?"

"Yes and I really really love him"

"Oh it's a he!" Said Mrs. Na looking more interested now

"But my mom did not like him"

"What? why doesn't she like him"

"Because he's a bisexual. I mean he batted for both teams"

Jaemin's jaw dropped with Renjun's story. He facepalmed himself internally as he was so embarrassed at whatever story Renjun is making now again!

Jaemin's parents reaction also was so priceless as they don't know what to say

"But I like guys like that. I'm okay"

"Mom Renjun is joking he is not interested in love, and he doesn't have any serious relationship" Jaemin said exposing Renjun

Well, Renjun doesn't care as he just chuckled.

The conversation then just went on normally as they continued eating.

The waiter then came to refill give them the drinks they ordered when he accidentally tripped and spilled some on Renjun.

All of them were shocked and then Renjun stood up immediately facing the waiter with a serious face.

The waiter then apologetically bowed and keep saying sorry nervously as Renjun looks like at him with a very serious face like he was going to punch him anytime but the next thing happened shocked everyone at the table including the waiter himself.

Renjun hugged the waiter and gave him a pat on his back "It's okay don't worry it happens with everyone"

The waiter then thanked him and apologize one more time. Renjun then went back to their table.

"Wow son I thought you're going to kill him" Mr. Na told Renjun actually amazed at his act

"No Mr. Na, it's not good to be angry at someone like them"

"Wow, I'm impressed" Mr. Na said

Jaemin who was also impressed and shocked at Renjun who looks like not the Renjun he knows, smiled. He really changed, he thought.

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