Am I Late??

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A Day before Christmas...

Nayeon is currently in the mall waiting for jeongyeon, planning on how to approach Mina to apologize regarding with how she acted the other day, aside from that. she also wanted to buy some gifts with jeongyeon, since tomorrow is Christmas.

while she waits for the latter, Nayeon couldn't help to think how jeongyeon is doing for the past days as Jihyo informed her of what happened between her and Mina.

what more to Jeongyeon who got through a lot??.


"Unnie! like seriously, Mina is so stubborn we couldn't even convince her" jihyo explained

"why are you even pushing her to be with jeongyeon? is it because she has an illness thats why you guys are doing this?" Nayeon confronted, as it seems a forceful act to her

if Mina doesn't wants to, then let her be

"No, its because we caught her lying about her feelings. She loves jeongyeon too, and obviously! if she keeps on doing this acting like she doesn't cares at all? she'd regret it for sure, thats why we're doing this" Jihyo explained again which made no sense to Nayeon

"yah, are you hearing yourself? its Mina's decision, why are we even interfering? and besides its gonna be her loss, if she continues to do this lying and acting. Jeongyeon won't lose anything anyways" Nayeon uttered in frazzle

"this is no just about Mina, its also about Jeongyeon. she wanted the same, she told us and wanted to talk with Mina" Jihyo answered that now made sense to Nayeon

Jeongyeon is so desperate with to talk with Mina, and just got more certain that the latter is deeply in love with Mina.

"so, we're actually doing this to make jeongyeon talk with Mina??" nayeon clarified

"precisely" Jihyo answered and pressed her lips together after

she knows how hard this is for Nayeon, since the older had always been the downfall of jeongyeon in times of sadness and rejection. she was there when Mina tends to push jeongyeon away, and as much as she wanted Nayeon and Jeongyeon to end up with each other again? she can't think about it when remembering Mina who was obviously in loe with Jeongyeon too.

"fine..." nayeon had no choice but to affirm with the conditions

"im sorry if you have to do this... i know its hard for you" Jihyo sighed then reached for Nayeon's palm to caress it

"all for Jeongyeon jihyo-ah.. everything for her" Nayeon answered with a weary heart


as nayeon reminisce her conversation with Jihyo, she didn't noticed that Jeongyeon is in front of her already - that literally made her to jolt up soon she saw Jeongyeon laughing at her. But, soon she get to hear those laughs, see those lying eyes, and that broken smile? Nayeon's world stopped together with her heart that's slowly crashing to see Jeongyeon be this happy in front of her, although she knows the latter is actually in a deep pain.

how do you manage to smile like this? how do you endure the pain that you can even laugh at me right now, are you crazy? are you really that tough Jeongyeon-ah? i can't stand this.

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