P R O L O G U E // Welcome Back

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Summer has come to an end, basically its time to go back to the University for college students. Some of the students may gone partying the whole summer, while the others got theirselves into a summer job, and of course the other basically just spent the summer normally like the other kids.

But for Mina, she spent the entire summer studying. Very tiring and kinda lame, but for mina she was enjoying it, kinda rare for a college kid to enjoy studying as things are more complex to them.

Jeongyeon on the hand just spent her summer saving money from her summer job to be prepared as she courts mina, she's very dedicated from courting her and persistent to win mina even if the latters keeps on pushing her away.

So consistent that she's already courting the latter for over 2 years now, she didn't gave up, never a single time she think of giving up on her. Despite of girls running over her, she remained faithful with this straight ass Penguin who'll literally would just reject her.

"getting ready for your last year??" chaeyoung asked her cousin which is jeongyeon, as the older packs all her stuff for her final year in college

"yup, gotta be more prepared this time" jeongyeon smilingly answered

"any progress with mina?" chaeyoung suddenly asked making the older go pout and think an instant

"well... Nothing has changed, she's still the same-old mina who's rejecting me HAHAHA, nothing new, nothing old" jeongyeon laughingly answered

It wasn't new to her

"FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER?!" chaeyoung freaked out as jeongyeon was rejected through the whole summer

Chaeyoung just courted tzuyu for 5 months and eventually got answered an instant! But jeongyeon who has been courting mina for over 2 years already? Was rejected a hundred times!

Haven't jeongyeon proved herself to mina?

"That woman is crazy! I think you need to stop!" chaeyoung said in disbelief

"i wont, mina is worth the risk" jeongyeon smug then smirked with full confidence

"tsk! What have you eaten? And you got crazy in love with that woman?" chaeyoung sighed and laughed at her cousin who's still packing her stuff

"aside from she's an Ace student... She's very calm and mysterious which is my type! I dont know chaeng, she gives me this ineffable emotions inside me" jeongyeon honestly answered and sighed long

"there's alot of women chasing and running over you, and yet.. You chose to be faithful with that straight ass woman! You're insane!" chaeyoung messed around and lightly smacked her cousin

"you might say it like that, but she's more worth it than those girls" jeongyeon smiled and winked at chaeyoung as she finishes packing her things and zipping up her luggage

"you good? Lets go?" chaeyoung asked as she was the one who's going to drive her cousin to the university

Jeongyeon nodded and took all her things out of their apartment to put it in all inside the trunk, jeongyeon was kind of nervous going back to the University, but thinking of mina being there too? Takes the shaky feeling away.

Mina is such an inspiration for her.


"good luck Honey" mrs. Myoui bid and kissed her daughter's forehead before leaving for the start of college

"thank you mommy... I will see you when i can" mina replied and hugged her mom tightly

"stay healthy okay??" mrs. Myoui reminded

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