Letting Yoo Go

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Jihyo's Pool Birthday Party

Jeongyeon and Mina was already at the venue earlier than what jihyo expected, because the two planned of helping jihyo out to  prepare for all the food and drinks since it'll be a very extravagant and insane party.

While Mina is with her main group of friends, which is Momo and Sana who also brought dahyun over. Jeongyeon on the other hand is with Jihyo in the kitchen, where they are preparing all the liquors ready.

As they do so, Jihyo suddenly came up with a question

"How did you managed to make Mina change her mind? Dont take it negatively, im actually glad" jihyo asked then looked at jeongyeon who just finished wiping all the bottle of wines and other hard liquors

"i dont know either, i just came over to her house that christmas day and that's it.. I actually told her that i'll be stopping bagging her, but in my surprise she stopped me" Jeongyeon honestly answered and gave jihyo a smile

"how about Nayeon? I've always known her still-lingering feelings for you"  jihyo asked again making jeongyeon thought of Nayeon's condition

Its been weeks since the last time she saw her, she didn't received any calls nor even message from the latter and now it worries her. After all, Nayeon is still a very special person in her life.

"i already talked with her, but its been weeks since the last time i saw her. Is she somehow... Coming?" Jeongyeon asked

jihyo nodded and said

"yep, she's actually busy right now because her parents were gonna come home here and she has to find a temporary home for them" Jihyo explained that jeongyeon understood

"is Bambam going too?" jeongyeon asked

"i dont know, but i gave him an invitation to come" Jihyo answered with high-hopes of Bambam coming because she knows how desperate wanted to talk with the man

"i just hope he could come, i badly wanted to clarify everything to him" jeongyeon sigh in disappointment, then just continued her thing instead

"you'll get to talk with him soon, i believe he's still feeling betrayed by it. but i know you'll have the opportunity soon, fighting!" Jihyo praised jeongyeon up by lifting up her spirit, she have always known jeongyeon's pure intentions

Jeongyeon only let go of a worried sigh, and just did her business rather than thinking more of it. She knows she'll only get more worried about it.


2 hours later...

Nayeon just arrived at the venue, and saw everyone doing their own thing. After all, this is a college party.

A lot of drunk guests welcomed her, some of them were making out at the living room, some are playing beer pong even doing a chugging contest, and some are in the pool hanging out.

But as she roams her eyes, a certain person got her attention..


Jeongyeon who has two cocktails in her hands, walking towards the side of the pool and as she follows her eyes to the latter? She witnessed the latter being deeply in love with Mina.

Then a memory of begging jeongyeon that day flashed in her mind, in cringed her out but it also made her regret...

"why did i even begged her? When ive always known she'd choose Mina over me?" Nayeon thought in her mind and groanes as watches jeongyeon more from afar

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