Best Days

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If life was a movie, then you're the best part

Mina is currently in the hospital with jeongyeon for a check-up due to instances wherein Mina seemed not to be ill at all, but of course. Its something they shouldn't be confident of...

Life is unpredictable...

It was a good thing that Mina's disease weren't triggering her lately, maybe  because of the sudden change of Mina's routine? Or because of jeongyeon's every day vitals evaluation  which is done by the smart watch Jeongyeon have given. Nonetheless, its all a good for the mean while..

Jeongyeon takes care of Mina very well including Ray, to where she even had to stay at Mina's dorm for the whole week just to make sure that the woman is doing well...

"Hi Ms. Myoui, im sorry to keep you waiting" The doctor entered not noticing that Jeongyeon was there..

Mina's personal doctor is friends with Jeongyeon's sisters who's also working in the same Hospital

"Oh jeongyeon! Didn't see you there!" The doctor got surprised and immediately went to jeongyeon to give a fist bump

Jeongyeon chuckled and said

"All good sir Hahaha!" Jeongyeon shove her hands respectfully

The doctor smilingly clicked his tongue then walked to his desk to discuss Mina's condition.

"I got late because of the late release of your CT scan, but its all settled now" The doctor explained and took out the result of Mina's CT scan

"so you see here, there's no complications at all.. But! Whenever your illness triggers.. This what happens" The doctor explained comparing two different CT scan of Mina

"what does it mean?" Mina asked

"well.. The time difference means something. Look, this is your previous result which is about 3 months ago. Then, here's your latest which is all clear" The doctor carefully explained which Jeongyeon quickly understood

"so it means Mina is partially got better in 3 months?" Jeongyeon clarified that made the doctor nod and made Mina smile

"yuo, but it doesn't mean she's all clear with her alzheimer's. Remember, she's not entering the risk age of the disease" the doctor reminded then took out his prescription pad

He then wrote down some diet Mina can have to be much more healthier, then wrote down the possible things Mina can experience soon she she enters the risk zone of the disease - it is for them to be prepared, its not something to be scared of..

"here are some diets that i want you to try, dont worry i didn't add much prescription of medicines since you're all doing good. I like the changes of your lifestyle Mina, i bet your Mom is feeling good about this too"  the doctor happily bid and gave the receipt

"im glad you preceeded the possible effects of your disease can give, Keep up the good routine Mina. You can actually deceive this illness in God's grace" the doctor motivated and stood up to give Mina the most encouraging hand shake

He's Mr. Myoui's personal doctor as well, and he had witnessed the bad things that had happen to Mina's dad soon it triggered the man. But...

Seeing Mina getting much more better?, literally defying the possible effects of the disease gave him hope that Mina might actually overcome this - not completely cured, but atleast its somehow bearable.

"thanks sir... I'll do my best" Mina smiled and took the receipt

"you're doing a great care of her jeongyeon, keep up the good work as well! You're much more compromising to be a physician than seungyeon" The doctor messed around causing jeongyeon to laugh

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