Don't Go To Strangers

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Snow fell lightly that morning. It blew onto the windows and collected in the corners of the glass. Jasper was up earlier than usual, but he'd wanted to wake up before her, anyway. He sat by his bedroom window and watched the dark, gray sky gradually lighten to a smoky silver, as he sipped the remnants of his potion. It was the last of it and his body surged with life and vigor. When he finished, he set the flask on the windowsill and stood.

He dressed in something other than the somewhat shabby robes he normally did and put on his boots and cloak. Then he left the shop and took a walk. No one was out. It was too early. He walked slowly and breathed the crisp air in deep, feeling it fill his lungs and then expel in a billowing cloud in front of him. The fogginess and the falling snow muffled his footsteps. He walked a few blocks around Hogsmeade and then he eventually came back to his shop.

When he was inside, he left his wet boots and cloak by the front door, and stood at the bottom of the stairs, listening for any signs of movement coming from the young woman's room. When he heard none, he carried on in the opposite direction and headed for the kitchen to make breakfast.

When Lucinda was finally awake, Jasper was just finishing setting the small table that sat in a corner of the kitchen. He looked up, as he noticed her presence and the young woman returned his gaze with raised eyebrows. She glanced down at his hands, as they finished straightening the vase of white chrysanthemums in the center of the table, and then her gaze travelled over the spread of eggs benedict and roasted tomatoes. Her eyes snapped up to his again, which were creased in a smile.

"What's all this for?" she asked, sitting down despite herself.

Jasper followed suit and unfolded his cloth napkin, as he said, "Well, I believe I was completely out of line last night... and I wanted to do something nice, in hopes that you would forgive that behavior."

Lucinda had placed her napkin in her lap and then she looked compassionately at the man across the table. "Oh, Jasper, it's alright," she said, as colors of embarrassment rose to her cheeks. "It wasn't like you said anything that wasn't true."

"Regardless if it was true or not," the man locked eyes with her and then raised his glass of orange juice at her. "I am sincerely regretful for the things I said... Forgive me?"

The woman quickly flattened down her sleep-rumpled hair and then picked up her own glass. "Of course," she said and then clinked their glasses. After several minutes passed in silence as they ate, Lucinda paused to look out the window above the sink. The snow continued to fall outside and it was a somewhat calming sight. "Gosh, it's pretty out there," she whispered.

"Do you want to play in it?"

Lucinda looked back at the man with wide eyes. She almost laughed at the absurdity of his statement. "What?" she questioned and she actually did end it with a small laugh.

Jasper gestured at the window with his orange juice. "We can go build a snow gargoyle or something." Then he drained his glass and set it back on the table, where he found the woman looking at him like he was insane, but the corners of her lips were turned up in a smirk. "What?"

"You are mad," she said loudly.

"I am quite sane," he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "How often is there such a snow as this? We should go enjoy it."

"Jasper, I can't be seen."

"Well, I know that," he said quickly with a shrug of his shoulders. "But you'll be wearing a cloak with the hood up and with the snow coming down, I'm sure you wouldn't be noticed."

Lucinda looked skeptically out the window. She chewed her lip a little and then sighed back. "Maybe... but... I don't think I want to risk it."

The man raised his bushy eyebrows. "You sure?" he pressed. "I think you'd be alright."

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