The Dream

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A/N: I am half asleep as I type this. Please enjoy, despite any errors or shit sentences.

The Dream

"So, how do you know he isn't trying to poison me?"

Madam Pomfrey looked at the girl with skepticism showing in the arch of her brow. She shook her head with an amused smile. "Professor Snape would not poison you, Miss Morgan."

"Are you so sure about that?"

"Yes." The medical witch nearly laughed, as she handed the vial of potion to the girl. "Just drink it and get some rest. Professor Snape seems to be looking out for your well-being, don't you think?"

Lucinda settled back into the pillows on the hospital bed, as she stared down at the sleeping draught between her cupped hands.

Is that what he's doing?

"I suppose..." the girl replied, uncorking the bottle. A misty curl of smoke rose up from the rim and Lucinda instinctively closed her eyes and breathed it in. It smelled of warm rain and fresh clover. Just the scent alone seemed to make her drowsy, but perhaps that was just because she'd not slept for the last couple of nights.

"I really won't wake up for seven hours?" She asked, raising the vial toward her lips. "You won't be able to rouse me?"

Madam Pomfrey folded her hands in front of her and pursed her lips in thought. "Well, I imagine we could wake you with a wakefulness potion if we really needed to, but..." she paused and nodded, "I also imagine that if Professor Snape wanted you to stay asleep, it would only be too easy for him to make sure that happened. He is the potions master, after all."

Lucinda looked at the woman a moment. She still felt more than slightly hesitant, but the woman's face did not seem worried. Eventually trusting her judgement, she put the rim of the bottle to her lips, but then stopped again. "Can I still have nightmares?" She asked suddenly, trying not to give away any panic she might have felt. "Because, you know... a seven-hour-long dream of being chased by a giant mongoose isn't something I want to be signing up for."

Madam Pomfrey smiled. "In my experience, sleeping draughts are usually dreamless." Lucinda relaxed a little more and put the vial to her lips again. "That's good." She sighed and then tipped the potion back, downing it in three big gulps. She smacked her lips, not knowing what to expect, as she tasted the remnants of the potion on her tongue. "Mm," she smiled back at the medical witch, "that was surprisingly refreshing."

The woman's brow rose up above her blue eyes, as she muttered, "Severus must like you." Then she took the empty vial from the girl and set it on the bedside table. "Now, get some rest."

Lucinda's friendly smile spread into a deeply contented one. "How long will it take before—"


The girl keeled over and flopped sideways onto her covers. Madam Pomfrey just shook her head and tucked the girl in tightly. Then she left to her office to start the paperwork that a certain colleague was bound to ask for later...


Sleep washed over me like warm honey might slip down my throat. It coated my mouth and tongue and the confines of my esophagus; dripping down into my stomach and into my bloodstream, to spread and light up my insides like iridescent gold.

That was the feeling of this dream: extensive comfort.

Any worry or anxiety I had prior to entering this seemingly infinite slumber, was now gone. It was like none of it had ever existed in the first place. In fact, it felt as though all that mattered was this very point in time, as I drifted in and out and between layers of swirling fog and damp grass. I felt the blades slide and stick under my bare feet, as I walked. I saw nothing, but I felt everything.

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