The Kudu Sap

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There was still time to come away from everything unscathed. He had not yet invested time in her and nothing he did thus far seemed to have much affect on her anyway, besides for a few explosive arguments. She'd been docile for a month, so the conversations that followed at Jasper's during the blizzard were unexpected and full of life. They weren't positive conversations, by any means, but they held some passion to them and that was more than the girl had expressed in weeks. He might have continued to stand idly by and watch her curiously—only barely emotionally involved—and say goodbye to the bizarre child at the end of the school year, but now something had changed.

She was getting irritable. It wasn't completely out of the ordinary, but it was definitely different than she'd been in weeks past. That quiet face of hers was twisting into a distressed frown of bother. It started with the supposed argument with Samael at breakfast, continued on during class with the Borealis girl, and ended with Samael again when he came to get her after potions ended. Whatever control the boy had over her, seemed to be gone now—or, at least, she was pissed off enough to not care. He'd even pleaded with her. You could say he'd even begged.

Severus sneered bitterly. Yes, the boy was getting just what he deserved, regardless of what it was he actually did. It didn't matter. Severus knew he deserved the worst and then some. He couldn't help the demented satisfaction that began rising in his blood, seeing the girl brush Samael off and then witnessing the disgusting display of groveling from the boy. It was deliciously sweet, the taste of justice. Severus just had one other concern, though, and it didn't involve the boy. It didn't even involve Aurora Borealis.

It was the Everlasting Elixir.

He hadn't said anything, because she'd been upset enough as it was, but he'd seen something in her notes that concerned him. One of the ingredients in particular made him wonder cautiously about what kind of potion she planned to make... and because of that, he intended to return to his classroom that night. She was going to be there, working on the elixir, and he was going to find out just what was going on with her... in every sense.


Snow was falling again. Lucinda watched it out of the common room window. It fell in gentle clumps, only drifting slightly, as the wind had recently died down. It crowded the glass and she could see her own reflection looking at her with tired eyes. She was also able to see someone else looking at her, but she tried to ignore it, because their eyes were full of anger and disconnect. Nothing she said sounded like her. Nothing she did felt like her. It was like a strange dream that she couldn't wake up from.

"You really have nothing to say about it?" Came that angry voice again; that sneering voice that she didn't like.

Lucinda closed her eyes and sighed. "What are you talking about?" Her voice came out almost bored, she even surprised herself. In her mind, this was terrible. She felt helpless and accused and alone, but her tone told a different tale. Her tone said, damned if I care.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Aurora snapped viciously. "You know, I actually believed that you wanted to patch things up and apologize—"

"Me apologize?!" Lucinda looked at the other girl in disbelief. A series of words kept repeating over and over again in her mind: Fuck it all, run away, leave me alone.

"—but it turns out that I was wrong." The girl continued, not missing a beat. "You fight with Tristin and the first person you run to is Gabe? Fucking Gabriel?!"

"I didn't run to anyone, not that it's any of your b—"

"Yep, the two of you are quite the pair, just giggling away during class like you're BEST FUCKING FRIENDS!"

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