Hogsmeade Day One

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The first Hogsmeade weekend was at the beginning of October. It was lovely, because the leaves had started to change to such vibrant reds and oranges that they made you gasp when you saw them. The day was crisp, slightly breezy and overcast. Lucinda and Aurora were in the Gryffindor common room, waiting on the boys to finish getting their scarves and jackets. There was a hum of chatter and clambering about, as students excitedly gathered their things and jangled their money. It was going to be a wonderful day... Lucinda could just feel it.

"Look at those pumpkins, Rorie!" Lucinda cried, staring out the window at a little hut by the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Aurora looked over the girl's shoulder. "Oh they'll get much bigger than that," she said waving her hand. "Hagrid always grows the biggest pumpkins. He'll put some of them in the castle for Halloween."

"Hagrid..." Lucinda replied, watching as a large man with a bushy beard and hair came out of the little house. "He's the... gamekeeper?"

"Yep," her friend said, rubbing a smudge off the window glass. "Man, what is taking them so long? All they need is their coats."

Five minutes later, the two boys were finally downstairs. Upon Aurora asking what the delay was, Clover made a disgruntled face.

"I wanted our scarves to match," he pouted, crossing his arms. "Gabby insisted on wearing his Gryffindor one."

Lucinda looked at Gabe, who had a bright, red, checked scarf tied neatly at his neck. It matched exactly with the one Clover had loosely wrapped around his shoulders. The tall blonde must have followed her gaze, because then he smiled with his chin high in the air.

"But, then he finally gave in." Clover said brightly. Then he grabbed Gabriel's hand and bounded out of the room. "Let's go!"

"Stop acting like a child!" Aurora called, running after the two of them.

Lucinda made sure she had some coins in her pocket and then she, too, started to head out the portrait hole, but someone was climbing back through.

"Oh!" Lucinda exclaimed, taking a couple steps back.

It was a girl with black hair that waved all the way down past her shoulders in little ringlets. She looked barely old enough to even go to Hogwarts, as her head only reached Lucinda's chest. Her skin was so milky white it almost glowed in a pearlescent sort of way.

"I'm sorry," Lucinda said, immediately softening her voice at the sight of the child.

The little girl's blue, doll eyes looked up at her, shining with tears. "Where's my sister?"

Lucind looked behind her at the common room. There were still some students standing around, gathering jackets and things, filling pockets with coins, chatting with each other.

"Um..." Lucinda turned back to the girl. "What's your sister look like?"

"Like me!" she nearly sobbed.

"Um," Lucinda said again, feeling a little panicked. That's when she noticed that the girl's robes had the Ravenclaw crest on it. For a moment she wondered how the girl even knew the password to get into the Gryffindor tower or where it was, but then someone behind her spoke.

"Pan, stop it."

Lucinda turned around. A young woman stood there, pale skin, blue eyes and black hair, just like the little girl's, but this one's was straight, rather than curly.

"Nica!" the little girl pushed past Lucinda and glommed onto her sister's waist.

Lucinda stood there a moment watching them, trying to remember why she had the sudden sensation of having been in this moment before.

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