You're Not The One

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A/N: Merry Late Christmas.

You're Not The One

Sleep had revived her.

It cleared her mind and brought her back to the reality that she'd been so adament to escape—at least, subconsciously. Her thoughts were de-fogged and polished to precision, but now... now it seemed her mind was going a mile a minute, turning in circles and boiling over. She didn't know how to feel or what to believe. There were too many things to think about; too many thoughts to ponder over; too many people to figure out...

X hadn't said much about what happened at supper. Only that Thomas Shore had spoken badly about her and that Tristin had calmly walked over and proceeded to hit him repeatedly—both fists slamming into his parchment face—until several teachers had to pull him off. Then Mr. Shore was taken to the hospital wing and Tristin was escorted out of the Great Hall by Professor McGonagall.

What was more, it was only then that she learned that Tristin had also initiated the huge Slytherin fight in the Great Hall only a few days before. He'd been the one whom roughed up the face of the bald-headed boy called "Adrik". The cause of the fight was still unknown, though, because Xavier could only tell her what he'd witnessed and it wasn't like he was on speaking terms with too many Slytherins...

They would have maybe conspired a little together, but around that time is when Madam Pomfrey finally came back to evaluate how Lucinda felt and to give her a nutrient supplement. The girl had glanced sideways at the boy still at her bedside, but he didn't seem to care what she was drinking. He instantly started in on the medical witch about taking too much care of Mr. Shore and that earned him an even quicker expulsion from the hospital wing. Lucinda hid her smile with the cup to her lips and watched him leave.

"See ya later, Lou! Sayonara, Pom-Pom!" He called happily over his shoulder and then he added a little louder, "I hope it hurts reeeal bad, Shore!"

Lucinda just shook her head, not expecting the Slytherin boy to answer, but he did.

"It does..." Thomas Shore mumbled from his purple lips.

The girl didn't look his way and just downed her supplement in a few gulps. After answering some basic questions from Madam Pomfrey, she was on her way back to the Potions classroom, while her stomach ached with anxiety.

It was just past eight in the evening and she only had a couple of hours before curfew. She wondered if she would be able to sleep when it came time to go to bed, since she'd already been asleep all day...

She felt alert and full of energy, so she also hoped that Professor Snape would not make her simply sit there for her detention. She needed to do something. She needed the distraction. Sitting in a room alone with him, after what she'd just dreamed, was not going to be easy.

She half expected him to open his classroom door at her tentative knock and gaze down at her lips. "They were quite delicious..." he might say and then she would blush to her toes; she would know that it was not just a dream...

But he did not open his door when she knocked. He said his usual "Enter" and she opened the door herself.

Upon seeing his back to her, she relaxed a little. With his eyes far away from her, Lucinda could revert back to her cool-as-a-cucumber stance in his presence. She could imagine that his face was blank and bored, as he turned around to briefly meet her gaze. She could pretend that he even curled his lip up at her in distaste, as she neared the table in front of his desk.

But she didn't need to.

Snape really did all of that. He hardly gave her a second glance, as he tossed a piece of parchment on the table next to her and then strode past her to his desk. Lucinda opened her mouth to question him about the collection of obvious potions ingredients littered across the table, but he spoke before she had a chance to.

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