Worthless Piece of Shit

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"I didn't realize you felt so strongly about him..."

She shouldn't have. She should have known he was going to do this when they started getting too close. In a way, she did know; she just didn't think about it. She didn't want to think about it. She wanted so desperately to be friends with him and it took so long to get to that point, but now... Now he was renouncing their friendship with some tiny slip of paper and a bottle of Kudu sap.

"Let's not talk about it, Lina," Lucinda said, as they sat on top of the fence and looked out at the expanse of trees and rolling hills around them. "I feel so stupid for getting caught up in my feelings."

"You can't help it," Lina offered, giving her back a couple of pats. "It sounds like he cares a lot about you. At least, a lot more than any other guy has before. He's saved you from death multiple times, which I will not mention to your mother, so don't worry.... He seems like this great guy, even though he's your teacher and all. I mean, people at my school end up marrying their teachers after they graduate all the time. I honestly don't see a problem with you getting closer with him, regardless if he's your professor. This is your last year. You are of age. It isn't like you're a fifteen year old and he's 30. You're five years apart!"

"That doesn't seem to matter."

"Of course it does. He's just being an idiot."

"I am being the idiot."

Lina sighed and leaned her head on the wooden post that sat between them. "You are not..." she said quietly.

"Besides..." Lucinda continued with a look to her hands atop her knees. "I don't even know if he truly thinks of me that way..."

It was the morning after Christmas and they were all to have one last meal together before all of her extended family left for home again. Lucinda didn't reply to Snape's note. In fact, she almost lit it on fire to join it with all of the letters she had tried to write to him, but in the end... she couldn't. She kept the crumpled note and put it in her desk drawer. The raven had not left yet. It still sat perched in her room, eyeballing her, no matter where she sat. She left the window open, but came back to find it still there late on Christmas evening. She lay in bed that night with her bedside lamp on and the window shut (because it was too cold to leave it open), rereading the potions professor's note. She was just getting heavy eyes when the raven let out one of its "CUURRRR" calls and her eyes snapped open wide. She sat up and glared over at the thing. "Oh, now you want to leave?" She said snottily. "Fine then, just go already!" Lucinda threw the blankets off of her, reached under her pillow and found the wand there. In a flick of her wrist, the window was thrown open with such force she heard a shameful crunch. Great, she thought. Now I broke the damn window.


"Go!" She said, launching herself from the bed and pointing towards the open window. "Why are you still here?!"

"CURRRAARRUU!" It screamed, flapping its wings twice, but it didn't move.

"Whatever," Lucinda grumbled and turned to pull the window back down. She forgot about the broken glass and it shattered with the movement. "Ouch!" She hissed as one of the shards sliced into her palm. She stumbled back and onto her bed, holding her wrist. The cut went from the tip of her index finger, all of the way down to the base of her palm. One more inch and it probably would have severed an artery... "Shit, shit!" She whispered and looked around the room for something, but the raven had suddenly taken flight. It flew in circles around her room and called.


"Shut up!" She said frantically, afraid it would wake her whole family downstairs. "Go back where you came from! Go back to Severus! Tell him I got his note and to leave me alone! Both of you leave me alone!"

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