Detention Effects

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Lucinda was put straight to work cleaning out all of the cauldrons that the students had used that day. It was slow, tiring work, but she was grateful for something to do. She could have just as easily cleaned them by magic, but Snape wouldn't have let her anyway. As Lucinda scrubbed away at the pewter, he sat at his desk, reading over the students' writing assignments on burn remedies. She heard him tut-tut a couple of times and guessed that some people must not have done a very good job. Lucinda thought she actually heard him tearing one of the papers up at one point.

He's so mean! Thought Lucinda, and she scrubbed at the cauldron a little harder than she needed to.

Once again, the sky outside had turned to ink. Even the classroom had gotten a bit darker, or maybe that was just her. The days were going to start getting colder as September continued to creep into the season. Lucinda couldn't wait. Autumn was her favorite time of year. The changing leaves, the crispness of the air, the smell of damp wood after cold rain... It was one of the few pleasures she had in life; spending a day walking in the woods. Of course, the Forbidden Forest was out of bounds to students, but Lucinda thought that maybe she could possibly get a chance to step inside it... Just a little ways...

"Did you take it?"

Lucinda was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts by Snape's voice.


"The sucrosulin." He snapped. "Have you taken it today?"

Lucinda felt a new wave of anger wash over her as they stared daggers at each other.

"No," she said tightly and took a tiny pill out of her pocket. She took the medicine (washing it down with a slurp from the sink at the back of the classroom; Snape watching her all the way) and then continued her work, trying her best to ignore his stares.

Snape waited a minute before saying, "What, no snippy, little comment?" in a cold, sarcastic voice.

Lucinda wanted nothing more than to hit him right now, but she controlled herself and continued with cleaning the cauldrons. Twenty minutes passed in silence. Snape occasionally crinkled papers or rolled out a drawer, but no other sound could be heard, besides the continuous scrubbing of the cauldrons.

Lucinda checked her watch. It was almost nine-thirty. Alright, it's still early, she thought. I could possibly get out of here at a decent hour. She heard the wind pick up outside and slightly rattle the windows. Snape looked up for a brief moment and listened. Then he went back to his work.

When Lucinda was done with every cauldron in the classroom, she got up and walked to the students' tables, in front of Snape's desk, and sat down. Snape was writing what looked like a very long explanation on why that person's essay was so terrible. Lucinda watched his hand sliding swiftly across the parchment with every line he wrote. She suddenly had the urge to look at the paper and watch him write up close. How could someone so horrible write with such elegance...?

"So," said Lucinda after a while. "Do you have anything else you need me to do?"

Snape stopped writing instantly. As he slowly looked up at her with his menacing eyes, she wished she hadn't even asked.

"Actually..." he said, getting up. "I just need you to admit you were wrong."

"About what?" Lucinda asked, her anger bubbling up again.

"About everything you said to me last night!" he growled.

"Oh, but I'm not really the type to lie anymore, Professor." She said, mockingly.

Snape looked as though he would fling a chair across the room again. He came around his desk and stood in front of her table. Then he put his hands on it and leaned down close to her face. Lucinda retracted back a little, afraid of what was going to come next.

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