the date

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~a month later~

I can't believe I've been in the glade for 3 whole months. It's fun waking up every morning to see your closest friends.

"Hey, y/n!" Gally shouted from where he was sat having his lunch, his arms in the air, signalling for me to come over.

"So I was thinking we could have a date tonight.." Gally said quietly not wanting the other boys to hear.

Gally and I had been dating for a while and we still surprisingly hadn't had a date so I, of course, accepted.

A smile covered his face in joy. Newt placed his plate opposite us before sitting down.

"Why are you so happy?" He laughed.
Gallys face went serious again.

"Nothing." He said sternly, he didn't want to be known as a softy. I laughed it was funny seeing him like this.

He always got so defensive.

"He asked me on a date" I told Newt.

"Finally." He rolled his eyes.

"Y/n! Why did you tell him?" Gally looked at me in shock.

"Because he's my best friend. Gall, trust me, he won't tell anyone."  I placed my head on his shoulder, causing him to relaxed. But he still threatened Newt by staring him down.

"Hey,hey,hey," Newt rushed, "I won't tell anyone. My lips are sealed." He pretended to zip his mouth shut. "Anyway...I'll leave you two alone." He stood up and went back to his gardening patch.
I sadly didn't have any fancy clothes. Only the same old boring ones that I came up in the box wearing.

But I had a feel that even if I had a dress, I still wouldn't wear it.

Gally had told me to meet him at the watch tower after dinner.

I was excited.

I shoved my plate into Fry's hands and started to run back to my room.


"NO, SORRY!" I had promised fry that even though I was back to being a runner I would still help him cook and wash every few days.

"SHANK!" He swore.

I had no idea why I was even in my basic room. There was nothing special. Just a wooden bed with a manky mattress and a small chest of drawers.

I flopped back onto my bed with my limbs out-stretched, looking up at the roof. I got bored exceptionally quickly so I decided to go to the watch tower to meet Gally. He wasn't there yet so I waited.

It was peaceful, just looking out at the dark glade.

A few minutes later he came up the ladder. His head poked just over the wooden platform.

"AH!" he screamed nearly falling.

"You alright there?" I laughed, offering him a hand.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I got bored in my room."

"Oh, right. Ok." He laid out a scruffy blanket and some bacon, he knew I loved it.

As soon as he placed it down, I quickly grabbed a rasher and shoved it into my mouth.

I'm too greedy.

Gally looked at me before pulling me onto his shoulder so we were both looking out onto the glade.

"I love you, y/n." He said softly.

I was shocked at first. That's the first time he had used the 'l' word.

I smiled to myself, "I love you too Gall." I looked up at him and kissed him.

We talked for hours and hours until I eventually starting getting sleepy. Gally had just finished telling me a story that he had made up. When he peered down at me, my eyes were closed and I was letting out small snores.

I finished my story and looked down at y/n to see her asleep. She was so beautiful, she hated it when I said that. She thought it was soppy.

I picked her up bridal style and carefully carried her to her bed. I pulled the covers over and bent down to kiss her on the head before leaving back to my hammock for the night.

As I went to walk away I felt a weak hand on my wrist. I swivelled round to see y/n half awake looking up at me sticking her lip out.

"What?" I whispered, trying not to laugh at her childishness.

"Stay with me." She demanded pulling me towards her.

She was surprisingly strong.

I got into the bed next to her and she nuzzled her head into my chest.

"Thank you." I heard her mumble before we both fell asleep.

Thank you so much for 100+ views.
I only started writing this because I got bored..
I love you so much!
Give me ideas of what you want to happen later on.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 {𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳}Where stories live. Discover now