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So I'd been at the glade for about two years. Everyone agreed not to tell anyone about the things that happened a few months ago, and I loved them for respecting me enough to keep at least one secret.

"WAKEY WAKEY LOVE BIRDS!" Fry hit two pans together while making his way into my room.

"Slinthead." I mumbled and I felt Gally chuckle into my back.

"GUYS? HELLO! GET UP! Y/n, you need to help me with cooking. New greenie today!" Fry grabbed my arm and pulled me out the bed causing me to hit the hard wooden floor with a thud.

"Do you mind?" I stood up and gave him a look.

"No, I don't. Now come help." He left, making a beat with the frying pans.

"I swear I will murder that shank one day." I rolled my eyes and jumped into my everyday clothes.

The same ones, like always. Not like I cared. To switch it up I sometimes pulled on Gally's top while he worked without it.

Gally had fallen back asleep and I had to wake up him.

"Gall. Gally." I prodded his face until his eyes opened. "Woah, you are alive."

He just groaned in response.

"Get up. I'm off to help Fry. Talk to you later, love you." I planted a kiss on his forehead before leaving.

"Y'know Frypan I swear you will be the death of me." I grabbed the pans and plates and continued to help him get all the food for the day done.

"You know you love me." He nudged me gently.

"Sadly.." I joked.

"Hello. What are you shanks doing?" Newt leaned on the table I was using to cut the veg.

"Fry likes to get all the chopping and stuff done before the day starts."


"No, only on the day that the Greenie comes up." I shrugged.

"Let's hope that the greenie that comes today is quick enough to be a runner."


"We need more. You, Alby, Minho and Ben can't do it all the time."

"We can, because we have been for more than a year now. It's not difficult. We all know the maze off by heart, me and Minho know it better than the others." I explained while chopping a pepper.

"True. How's your fighting going?" Newt asked.

I forgot to mention, I had been training myself to fight. Self defence. I needed it, considering what happened. I'd been using trees as people. Throwing knives and punches were the things I was best at, occasionally Ben would help.

"Good. Really good."

"I can tell."

"What? How?"

"You're getting abs." He laughed.

"I already had those.." I scratched my neck.

I didn't.

"Sure you did. I better get going now. Thanks for th-" he went to grab a piece of the pepper but I stopped him by stabbing the knife into the table between his fingers.

His eyes widened before he slowly removed his hand, being cautious of the blade. I was about to make a remark when we all heard the rumbling noise of the box.

"Let's hope he's a runner." Frypan patted my back as he ran towards the hole in the ground like everyone else.

I just walked, taking my time. It was just going to be another cocky boy.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 {𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳}Where stories live. Discover now