acting weird

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"Y/N!" Ben shouted from outside my room.

Why was he waking me up today? I wasn't supposed to be running, today was my day off.

Groaning, I slipped out of bed and got ready before walking out to him. I got ready and walked out to him. I rubbed my eyes as the bright light from the sun hit them.

"Sorry," He apologised, noticing my messy stated, "but you and me are running today.."

"I thought it was Minho." I mumbled.

"It was but then he needed to talk to Alby about something." Ben smiled trying to lift my mood.

I smiled weakly.


"So, y/n. How are you and Gally?" Ben asked as we jogged around a corner.

I came to a halt with my hands on my hips. He stopped a few steps in front and turned to me.

"What?" He questioned.

"Did Newt tell you?"

"We worked it out together. I thought he told you." He laughed.

I started to run and joined me, "I forgot that others knew."

"Anyway, how are you both?"

"Good, but Alby isn't letting him sleep in my room any more." I moaned.

"I will talk to that shank for you." He patted my back as I marked down something on the paper in my hands.

"He won't listen to you."

Even though Ben and I had been running together for a little less than a year, we hadn't talked much about anything other than the maze. It was nice talking to someone else, other than Newt, Minho, Fry and Gally.

I looked up from my sheet to see him staring at his feet uncomfortably. "Hey you ok?" I gently elbowed his side.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I'm fine." He huffed.

I shook away the feeling that he wasn't fine.

"We better head back. It's getting dark."

He didn't talk the whole way back, not like I cared. I liked the peace and quiet. We ran through the doors of the maze and a figure was there.

I immediately knew it was Gally. I could tell by his posture that he was worried.

"Y/n." He sighed in relief.

I ran up to him stopping so there was a small gap in between our faces.

"Where were you?" He asked annoyed.

"In the maze.." I laughed while walking past him.

He ran to my side, grabbing my wrist and forcing me to look at him.

I ripped away from his hold, "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?!"

I rolled my eyes.

"You were asleep. I didn't want to wake you. Now, I am going to eat." I walked away from him to where everyone else was enjoying dinner.

"Hey, Min Min." I teased as I sat beside him.

"Stop." Minho didn't even look up from his food.

"Stop what?"

"Calling me that. Stop."

"Calling you what?" I smirked.

"You know what." He grumbled.

"No I don't. Why don't you just tell me?"

"MIN MIN! STOP CALLING ME MIN MIN!" Minho shouted in my face before stomping off back to the homestead like an angry child.

"Sorry!" I shouted to him, biting my lip to hold my laugh in.

"What have you done now, y/n?" Newt took Minho's spot.

"I called him Min Min." I told him.

"How's you and Gally?" Newt asked glancing over at me.

I paused for a moment, "Fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?

"Erm. I don't ..uh.. know." He struggled with his words.

"Newt. You are a horrible liar. You are my best friend, so tell me!"

"Later." He murmured.

Why was everyone acting so weird?

Fry sat across from Newt with only a drink,

"Hey, Newt. Alby wants you after you've had your food."

"Mhm." Newt immediately stood up, not finishing his food and just leaving his plate on the table.



"What's going on with everyone?" I asked standing up, taking Newt's plate to the wash area.

"What do you mean?" He passed me the other dirty plates and I placed them in the 'clean' water.

"Everyone keeps asking about me and Gally."

"If there is something going on I don't know about it either. So don't worry and let's get this done." He turned away and started to clean, I did the same.

He defiantly knew something.
Sorry this is kinda short.
Also thank you so much for 200+ reads, I genuinely can't believe it.

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