bloody boys

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I helped Newt with gardening the whole day as seen as Minho and Alby had gone running.

It was dinner time and I was sat between Fry and Gally. He had his hand on my thigh and his thumb was rubbing it slowly.

"Dude, I'm serious. Don't you think it's weird how she got stung. Or whatever happened to her." Ben said.

"How is it weird?" Fry tilted his head.

"Because it's never happened before. Gally, you had been here a year before y/n. Had anyone been stung?" He turned to my boyfriend.

"Other than George, no." Gally replied.

Ben's face dropped slightly when Gally mentioned George but he soon brightened up, "See! How long has y/n been here? Like a year and a bit? I just think it's weird." Ben shrugged.

"Well, Ben, has anyone ever survived a night in the maze before me?" I piped up.

"Erm.. no."

"Exactly. Grievers probably only ever sting people at night. Ever think about that?"


"There you go then. Now please stop talking about how I got stung." I got out of Gally's grip and went to my room.

A few minutes later Gally came in and laid on the bed next to me.

"You good?" He asked.

I turned to him so I was on my side and he did the same.

"Yeah... Can we agree not to tell any of the new greenies what happened and that I survived a night in the maze? They'll just ask questions."

"Of course, baby. We can talk to Alby about it in the morning." He fell onto his back and pulled me closer to him so my head rested on his chest.

We sat in silence for a few minutes while I drew patterns on his stomach. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was nice.

"Gall? Do you ever think we'll leave?" I asked not bothering to look at him.

"Leave where?" He rubbed my back.

"The Glade? Do you think we will eventually escape the maze?" I sat up and crossed my legs.

"I don't want to leave." He replied bluntly.


"I don't want to leave the Glade."

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because it's safe. Nothing can hurt us in here. There's no grievers."

"Then what's the purpose of runners? Are we just running around the maze for fun?"

"I- I don't know."

I could tell he didn't like the subject so I laid back down next to him.

"I love you Gally." I yawned and my eyes sleepily began to close.

"I love you more, y/n." That was the last thing I heard before falling to sleep.


"NEWT I SWEAR TO THE CREATORS I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS!" I screamed while running around the glade attempting to find my best friend.

He had come into my room while I was sleeping and taken my 'girly products'. I hadn't known until when I got back from running and Winston came up to me telling me Newt was showing everyone.


I could hear the gladers laughing and cheering me on. I finally saw Newt. He was in the homestead.

I stormed in and grabbed him by the collar, making sure not hurt him.

"Where are they?"

"Erm- Minho has them."

"YOU GAVE THEM TO MINHO?!" I dropped him and waved my arms around.

I ran out, "MIN MIN! MINHO!"

"Yes y/n?" Minho stepped out from the group of boys innocently.

"Where are they? I want them back."

"I have no clue what your talking about.." he smirked.

I walked closer so our faces were inches apart.

"What's that?" I asked grabbing the thing he had behind his back. It was my box of tampons.

"You suck at lying and you should have thought of a better hiding place." I laughed.

"Whatever. But like what are they for.."

I looked around at all the eager boys. They actually wanted to know. Weirdos.

I sighed, "for my period. They collect the blood that comes out me.."

"Out of you?" A random boy asks.

"Yeah. Most girls bleed out of the hole that is used for making babies." I nearly choked on my own spit from trying not to laugh.

I explained that horribly.

"Making babies?" Minho asked.

"Yeah. You were a baby once. And you were made by your parents."

"Does it hurt?" Minho questioned, "Does your period hurt?"

"Yes. It hurts a lot. But we've got to deal with it for 3-7 days every month. It feels like your being stabbed by a kitchen knife multiple times. If I'm ever moody that's why." I explained.

"You're always moody though." Minho smirked.

"Shuck off." I rolled my eyes, "Also what was the purpose of stealing them?"

"Basically, I've seen those things," Newt points to the box in my hand, "Come up in the box every month just for you. I wanted to know what they were."

"Oh right okay. Well let's go get some food." I drape my arm around his shoulder and we go to dinner.

"Y'know y/n that's gross. The fact that blood comes out of you.." Billy grimaces.

"Well you bleed out of your body. Watch, if I do this," I grab a knife and run it over his palm causing blood to pour out. "you bleed out of your body."

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N!" He shouted .

"Does it hurt?"

"Not really no.." he looked down at his hand and wiped the blood away.

"So what's the problem?" I laughed and he turned away from me.
"That's what I thought."

Gally sat next to me and pulled me into his side. He spotted the spots of blood on the table.

"Billy was being a twat." I said before he got worried.

"He cut you?"

Never mind, he still managed to get worried.

"No, I cut him. And before you say anything about the rules, don't worry he's fine. Look he's okay." I pointed to Billy who had his back to me.

"We have to go speak to Alby now. With the keepers about not telling the greenies everything about what's happened to you." He yanked me up out of my seat and pulled me to the meeting hall.

Newt followed us in. "What's this for?"

"Gally said he wanted to tell us something. Something about new rules?" Alby stood in front of us.

"Yeah, y/n would like it if we didn't tell the gladers anything that's happened to her. You know like we did last time?"

"Right.. okay. I think that's fine any of you have anything against it?"

They all thankfully said no and that they were going to tell the other gladers the new rule.

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