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I didn't get any sleep last night. And if I closed my eyes images would pop into my head. They were like memories, flashbacks. Y/n and another girl were in them.

Is y/n dating Gally? It seemed like it. I heard them arguing yesterday before the bonfire. I think it's unfair if their are dating. She's the only girl and he gets her all to himself.

My train of thought was broken when Alby came up to me and told me to follow him. We began to walk across the glade.

"It's peaceful, isn't it? I know it's hard to believe, but it wasn't always this way. We had dark days. We lost a lot of boys to fear. To panic. But we've come far since then." He stopped me when we reached one of the walls but he turned me around to look at the glade.

It was beautiful. Majestic. Peaceful, just like Alby said.

"Established order, made peace."

"Yeah.. why are you telling me this?" I asked confused.

"Because you're not like the others. You're curious, a lot like y/n. But you're one of us now. You need to know what that means."

He took my hand a placed a knife in it gently before pointing to the wall. I turned around to notice it that it had names on it. Some crossed out, some not.

"What happened to them?" I motioned to the crossed out ones.

"Like I said.. dark days, Thomas."

I scratched my name into to the wall and took one last look at it. But that was when I noticed.

"Wait, why isn't y/n on here?"

"Erm.. well.. ask her." Alby scratched the back of his neck before walking off.


Newt had just denied every single idea I said about escaping. They really had tried everything.

"Hey, where's y/n?"

"She is most likely resting after running. She's probably in the forest." Newt answered.

"Why isn't she on the wall?"

"You'll have to ask her. It isn't our place to tell other people about it." Newt smiled sadly.

"What happened last night with her?"

"Bloody hell, you ask a lot of questions."

"Y/n said that.."

"Of course she did and she's right. Anyway, like I said it's her business. So ask her. Now go dig us up some more fertiliser." Newt threw me a straw basket with a small shovel in.

I hate doing jobs. It's only my first day and I already hate it.

"Just get the fertiliser, Thomas. You sure, guys? Can't help in any other way?" I mocked as I walked through the leaves. "No, just get the fertiliser. You know where it is. It's just out in the middle of the woods."

I heard a thud behind me and a second later y/n was beside me.

"Talking to yourself now are we, T?"

"T?" I pulled a puzzled look at her.

"Yeah. It's a nickname. I have them for everyone." She smiled.

"Oh, nice. Are you and Gally dating?"

"Yep. Don't ask me anymore questions about it. We aren't in the best place at the moment."

"Oh- okay." I smiled warmly. "Why aren't you on the wall?"

"Erm.. when I first arrived here things happened and then also few months back. I just never really got around to writing my name on the wall." She looked down at the ground clearly nervous.

I dropped my basket when I noticed something across the stream. We walked up to it and y/n inhaled. There were bones everywhere. It was a grave for..


I saw him on the wall, crossed out. I looked away at the bones and felt y/n place her hand on my shoulder as I stood up.

"They are only animal bones calm down."

I have no clue if she's telling the truth or not. I'm not sure I want to know. We turned around and were met by Ben, an ill looking Ben.

"Oh, hey Benny.." y/n went to run up to him but I held her back. "What are you doing?" She hissed.

"He doesn't look too good.."

Y/N's POV:

I had found Thomas in the woods talking to him self. Clearly annoyed that he was the one to get the fertiliser.

Now, I was looking at a very ill Ben. He launched himself at Thomas and held him to the floor.

"It's your fault. I saw you and y/n." He snarled. "YOU DID THIS! I saw you both."

Thomas began to scream and I noticed that Ben was digging his finger nails into his forearms. So I ran up and kicked him to the side, letting Thomas scramble up. Ben reached for my leg but I kicked him back. I screamed and began running with both boys following me.

"HEY!" Thomas began yelling trying to get someone's attention.

We rolled down a hill and I helped Thomas up so we could begin moving again.

"HELP!" I screamed.

Thomas was now in front of me and we finally broke through the trees back into the sun light but Ben was still here. I felt Ben wrap his arms around my legs and cause me to go crashing to the ground with him on top of me.

"I'll kill you!" He threatened and got a hold of my neck.

I was freezing up, again. I knew how to fight but I wasn't. I just stared up at my friend as he strangled me. I didn't want to hurt him, I didn't want to fight. My vision began to go blurry and the voices became muffled. His hold on my neck was released and Ben fell to the ground next to me. Someone pulled my head onto their lap and cupped my face.

"Hey, y/n. You okay?" It was Gally.

"Y-yeah.. b-but Ben. H-he's been stung." I sat up so I could see him.

Alby must of heard what I said because he instructed the boys to lift up Ben's shirt and I was right. He was stung exactly where I was. I stood up shakily and Gally took a hold of my waist, helping me. I wanted to push him away but I couldn't.

"Oh god." My hand flew to my mouth as more tears fell and Gally turned me away into his chest.

"He's been stung? In the middle of the day?" He asked from above me.

"H-help me please. Please, please, just help." Ben pleaded and I fell to my knees next to him.

"Hey Ben." I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back more tears.


"That's me." I cupped his face and stroked his cheek. "They're going to put you in the pit, okay?"

"Y-yeah.." he mumbled.

I kissed his forehead and watched him get pulled away. Fry pulled me into a hug and patted my back. I saw Gally tense up but he didn't do anything

"Hey guys, lets leave Gally and her for some alone time."

"T-thanks.." I waved at them as they walked over to the pit as well.

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