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It's been a month since Chuck came up in the box. The new greenie arrives tomorrow.

Chuck and Gally are best friends. I've never seen him go so soft on anyone, other than me. He treats Chuck different to everyone else. He's like a big brother.

"Y/n! Gally pushed me." Chuck pouted from across the table.

"Gally, don't push. And Chuck push Gally back." I smirked.

"How rude!" Gally laughed from the floor after Chuck did what I said.

"Hello y/n." Newt sat next to me and I placed my head on his shoulder.

Usually Gally would have done something but I assured him that me and Newt are nothing more than best friends.

"Tired huh?" He asked as I yawned.

"Sooo tired.. whenever I run with Minho he makes me run really far." I groaned. "On purpose might i add."

"I didn't today did I?" Minho sat next to Chuck opposite me.

"No. But that's only because I was whining."

"True. You sounded like a shucking griever. Anyone would think you were dying."

"What can I say? It's my specialty." I shrugged and everyone laughed.

"New greenie tomorrow then." said Newt.

"Yeah. Let's hope he's a runner because last time we were...disappointed." Fry whispered.

"Disappointed? How could you say that Fry!" I joked.

"You were disappointed?" Chuck tilted his head at us.

"I- no. We were just wanting a runner. That's all.." Fry smiled.

"Yah. We wanted a runner but we didn't get one. We got you instead which is WAY better. Right guys?" I raised my eyebrows at the boys telling them to agree.

"Yes." They all said and a smile returned on the young boys face.

If anything happens to this boy. I will kill whoever hurt him. He's too young and precious.

"Hey Gall, you awake?" I looked up at my boyfriend.

"Mhm." He mumbled.

"Would you ever come with us if we found a way out?"

"I- no..." he stroked my hair.

"Why?" I sat up.

"Because.. erm, it's safe here. We have no clue what's out there."

"I know, you keep saying that. But what if it's safe. What if we go home?"

"This is our home."

"No it's not Gally! We were stole from our home and put into this god forsaken place." I shouted.

"You don't know that! You don't know that when we leave we will be at home!"

"Well we definitely weren't born here. Gally, do you seriously not think that there's something beyond these walls that's worth finding out?"

"No! Now, you better get up before Fry comes in clanging his pots again."

I rolled my eyes before getting out and changing into my clothes while completely ignoring him. I walked out to Fry.

"Woah! Is this a miracle? Y/n getting up before sunrise?" He laughed.

I hadn't noticed but he was right. The sun hadn't even come up yet.

I groaned, "Let's just get this done."

We spent about an hour preparing the food. Until Newt and Gally came up to me.

"Y/n. We would like to see how you are doing with fighting and throwing knives and stuff." Gally told me.

Newt grabbed my arm and pulled me into the forest where they had set up something that looked like a shooting range. There was a tree stump that had 3 knives from the kitchen on and 1 target ahead of me.

"What? You want to see me throw knives?" I tilted my head.

"Yep." Newt answered popping the 'p'. "Also, Gally volunteered to fight you. In my opinion he's a bloody idiot but what can I do?"

"It's fine. I'll win." Gally brushed off his shoulders.

"Sure." I said bluntly. Still annoyed about earlier.

I turned to the targets again and picked up one of the closest knife to me. I held my left arm out in front of me so I could hit the target more accurately. I brought the knife just behind my shoulder and threw it.

It landed a little to the side of the red dot in the target.

"Good that. Now again." Newt smiled.

I picked up the the second knife and moved it around in between my fingers.

"Okay, show off." Gally chuckled.

I kept my eyes on him, giving him a mean stare, and I threw it, this time not raising my other arm. I heard the noise of it hit the wood. I turned slowly to see where it hit. It was in the middle of the red dot.

"Bloody hell y/n.." Newt gasped.

"Fighting now?"

I was eager to show them what I'd learnt and how good I was. Ben and I had been training together, and had become close friends in doing so.

"Bring it on." Gally ushered me to a spot in the forest where it was just grass and one tree.

I stood still. My hands by my side and my legs together. Gally stepped forward and I quickly ran at him. I jumped up and pushed myself off the only tree before wrapping my legs around his neck.

He fell backwards and I was now on top of him. Gally flipped us over. He held me down by my wrists and I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. He winced and fell to the side of me holding his crotch.

There were gasps and I looked up to see half of the glade watching. I heard footsteps behind me and I knew Gally was up again. He wrapped his arms around my neck, making sure to not be too tight. I grabbed his forearms and threw him over my head onto the floor in front of me.

He groaned but still got up. Gally ran at me and his arms went around my waist causing me to fall down but he managed to let go before he fell as well.

He began to walk away thinking he had won and he got into a superman pose. I ran up behind him and slid in between his legs and while doing so I grabbed his feet so he fell backwards.

I dusted myself off and stood over him.

"I win, again." I smirked.

"Whatever just get me up." He held a hand out for me to pull him up.

I did what he said, even though I didn't want too, and all the gladers cheered and shouted my name. I felt powerful. I felt bad ass. I could get used to this.

oh my god, this is horrible lmao.
anyway thank yall so much from 4K+ reads 😌

also i SUCKK at writing fighting scenes so sorry if it's bad..

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