the doors

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I walked off to the med-jack hut with Thomas, Minho, Gally, Fry, Newt and Teresa following me. Alby was sat up on his bed with his arms crossed.

"Has he said anything?" I asked Jeff and his head shook. "Alby?" I sat on one side of him and Newt sat on the other.

"Alby, you alright?" Newt leaned in front of him.

Silence. But tears swelled up in his eyes.

"Hey, Alby." Thomas knelt down. "Alby, we might have found a way out of the maze. You hear me? We could be getting out of here."

Alby's lip trembled, "We can't. We can't leave. They won't let us."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I remember."

"What do you remember?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You and Thomas. Thomas was always their favourite. Always. But you, y/n, they just used you. They treated you horribly even though you were her daughter." Alby said and my eyes widened. There were shouts and yells from outside.

Alby turned to Thomas. "Why did you do this? Why did you come here?" A single tear fell.

I stood up, finally getting annoyed by the shouting. We all walked outside and the gladers were running about frantically.

"Hey, Winston, what's going on?" I asked.

"The doors, they aren't closing." He replied before running off with a torch.

We followed him to the doors to see what he was talking  about. Indeed, he was right. They should have closed by now. Suddenly there was a loud clank and we all flinched back. Then the other three doors began opening. The doors that hadn't opened ever before.

"It's not just me seeing this right now..?" I asked.

"Definitely not just you, babe." Gally whispered down to me.

"Okay, Chuck, I want you to go to the council hall, okay? Start barricading the doors." Thomas instructed.

"Okay." Chuck nodded.

"Winston, you go with him." Newt demanded.

"Got it." Winston said as they both ran off.

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest, go hide. Now." Gally shouted.

"Minho, grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at the council hall." Thomas said, "Okay, Teresa, y/n, we are gonna go get Alby. Alright? Come on."

We both nodded and then more shouts rang out.



Gladers with torches ran from the forest screaming for their lives. We heard a griever screech from close by and everyone whizzed round to see a griever walking round the corner of the maze.

One griever soon became several.

"ALRIGHT! EVERYBODY HIDE! GO,GO! RUN!" I screamed before running off with Thomas.

𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 {𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳}Where stories live. Discover now