Chapter 18: Insanity

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Ben's POV

I didn't relax until the Falcon was out of Mosiana's atmosphere. I didn't even then. Not with the Sith unconscious on the ship.

Rey was lying on the couch, also unconscious. I never left her side, except to make sure Ezaina was still in her place.

As Rey lay, unmoving, I noticed the scars that now decked her skin. Darkly colored, and in the shape of lightning bolts. I gently stroked one with my forefinger. It had no texture; it just felt like every other part of her arm. But these would decorate her forever.

Poe came quickly out of the cockpit, Chewie trailing behind him.

"What happened?" Poe asked, sitting down.

I tossed him one of my sabers. "Well, I got my kyber crystals." I threw my other saber to him. "Two of them. Once we got out of the tunnels, she showed up," I said, indicating with my head to Ezaina. "Fight, betrayal, the usual. Then she stupidly decided to use her lightning underwater. Rey tackled her to protect me, and took the brunt of the blast. Sith over there stopped once I intervened, and they both fell unconscious." I held up Rey's limp hand, showing him the scars. Chewie groaned softly. Poe just stared.

"So what are we doing with her," he questioned, talking about Ezaina. His expression as he looked at the young Dathomirian was hateful and full of rage. "Why'd you bring her with us?"

I sighed. "I couldn't just let her go unpunished. She can't be free to go anywhere with so many deaths on her."

Poe nodded, and said nothing else concerning the sadistic Sith.

"Can we heal those?" He queried, nodding to the scars on Rey's skin.

I shook my head while speaking. "I think they're permanent. She'll have them for the rest of her life."

Poe looked down at the holochess table, not knowing what to say. Chewie growled and made wide hand gestures.

I nodded in agreement with the Wookie. "I know, Chewie. I know."

Ezaina's POV

Ugh. Why did everything hurt? My head was splitting, my skin stung everywhere, and I couldn't move. I tried to recall what had happened.

Mosiana, remember? You were stupid enough to use your stupid lightning underwater.

Shut up, I told her. My alter ego. She was always annoying me. You were the one who had the idea of using it.

But you didn't have to use it. In the end, it was your call.

I growled in frustration at her. Shut UP!

She stayed quiet for a few seconds before piping up her annoying voice again. You wanted to kill the Jedi. I simply offered a way.

You tricked me. Go away. I don't want you.

Ah, but I'm the one who saved you, remember? You were trapped in your own mind.

Stop. Just leave me alone.

How can I leave you alone? I am part of you, the better aspect of you. You set me free.

You forced me.

I can't force you to do anything. I'm you. You wanted revenge. I offered it to you, and you took that chance.

I wish I hadn't. It's your fault I'm like this.

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