Chapter 10: Get Better

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One month later

Rey's POV

I was lying in my bed, oblivious to my surroundings. I wanted to stay there forever, and never move.

But some people wouldn't let me. (No, Poe, Ben, and Chewie. Why would I be talking about you?)

Poe, Ben, and Chewie burst into my room.

"We're all in agreement. You're not getting any better, and you need to. So you're coming with us," Poe announced. Loudly.

I covered my head with my pillow and groaned in annoyance. "Can you be a little louder? They didn't hear you on Tatooine."

I peeked out and saw Poe grin, but Ben looked concerned.

"Come oooon," Poe said like a little kid trying to wake up his parents.

"Noooo," I said, mocking his tone.

Ben came over and stole my pillow.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I whined.

Chewie laughed. (Wookie-laughed, whatever)

"Rey. You need to get better."

"I can't. Would you be able to, had you lost me?"

"Would Finn want you to cling onto him the way you are?"

I rolled over as fresh tears stung my eyes. He had a point. "Leave me alone."

I heard a sigh, felt a shift in my mattress, and I was airborne.

I shrieked in indignance. I kicked and fought, but Chewie was the one holding me, and fighting a Wookie while he's holding you is not gonna get you anywhere.

While they hauled me to wherever, people stared and some straight up cracked up.

"Okay! I'll come. Just PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled, face aflame with blush.

"Promise not to run back to your room?" Ben asked, clearly not convinced.

"Yes!"I replied, exasperated.


Chewie put me down, none too gently. A jarring sensation ran up my calves.

I winced. "Ow."

"Our point here, Rey, is that Finn would want all of us to move on, especially you. You acting the way you have been leaves you vulnerable. And I can't let you get taken. Not again," Ben explained.

"If it makes you feel better, he made me move on last week. Dragged me out of my bed," Poe said empathetically, and glared at Ben.

Ben shrugged. "Someone had to do something about you three."

"Three?" I question.

Chewie roared. He made me do it too, he said. Cause, ya know, I can understand him.

I cracked my first smile, however small, since Finn's death.

Ben's POV

She smiled. Smiled! I haven't seen her smile in a month at least. It felt better than almost anything.

(Off-topic. We haven't kissed since the month after Finn's death either. Just a useful bit of information...)

I cocked my head to her quizzically. Then grinned because if she was smiling, I wanted to.

"So do you actually have a plan for today or did you just want to get me out of bed?" She asked slightly bitterly.

"We do, in fact, have a plan," I said grandly. "We are going to Mosiana."

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