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I was sleeping in Harry's sweater when I heard a knock on the door. I thought it was either Liam or Zayn; Niall was going to a market in the other side of the city because he wanted 'special chocolate'

I got up and didn't even mind in changing my clothes, I just put some socks and opened the door


"Hi Lou"

"What are y-you doing h-here?"

"C-Can we talk?"

I let him in and while he sat on the couch I went to de kitchen to make some coffee

"D-Do you want some?" I asked him

"No, it's okey"

When it was ready I started walking out but then it hit me. What if he says we're over? And he doesn't want to see me again? What if he hates me? No, he can't hate me, he loves me. Right? Before I could've done anything, Harry saw me and he came

"Lou? Why are you crying?" He said while he was holding me up

"Do you hate me?" I asked afraid of the answer

"No lou. I don't hate you, Niall kinda said what happened. And I'm so sorry for not letting you talk and tell me the truth. I guess I was stressed about the movie and when I saw the texts and everything it was the first thing that came to my mind. I'm so sorry Lou"

"It's okey, I should've said what was going to happen before but we were so happy and I didn't wanted to ruin that. I'm sorry too Hazz"

Neither of us could continue because he pulled me in a kiss, it started slow but after a few seconds Harry's tongue asked for a entrance and I obviously couldn't deny.

What started in a sweet kiss, soon turned into a desperate and passionate one and after some minutes, we had to ended it because of the missing air

Smut? It's not good but whatever
(Do not read if you are not comfortable)

I took that moment as perfect to unbutton Harry's shirt and when it was done, I took it off. After that I did the same with my sweater and  joined our lips together again

"Wait Lou" he said breaking the kiss
"What's going on? You don't want to?" I said
"Of course I do, but do you?"
"I want everything with you Harry"
And then I smashed our lips together again

Autor's POV
In the middle of that kiss, the brunette moved his hips again, but this time at a constant rate and, after a few seconds, a bulge began to form under both of their pants.

- L-lou - Harry said when he cut the kiss.

At that moment, the shorter one opened his eyes and looked at the green-eyed man, waiting for him to continue.  - "Not here, in the shower" - the boy spoke again.  The blue-eyed boy bit his lower lip and nodded repeatedly. They went to the bathroom and Louis moved away from the curly so he could remove the clothes that were left on him.  Harry mimicked the shorter man's action and removed his pants and boxers.  When they were naked, they went into the shower and the shorter one turned his back on the green-eyed man to open the taps and the water began to run.  Drops of hot water began to run down his body and he turned to look at the other boy.

He was watching him carefully and before he could do anything, the brunette took his wrists and brought him closer to him, to kiss him under the rain from the shower.  When they cut the kiss and opened their eyes, they noticed that the bathroom had already filled with steam, due to the temperature of the water.  Without thinking twice, Louis brought his hand to Harry's member, which was already hard from the kisses and rubbing they had shared outside of the shower.  The curly did not expect that so soon and, when he felt the touch of the other boy on him, he let out a small gasp and joked: - "How impatient" - "I needed you for so long" - the Blue-eyed replied as he began to raise and lower his hand around the other boy's erection.  -  "this is on me" Louis said. The curly one smiled sideways and he kissed the other young man again, while he felt his hand slowly working on his member.  After a few seconds, without cutting off the kiss, the green-eyed man moved, causing the brunette to end up with his back resting on the glass partition.  When he felt the cold of the glass, the lower one cut the kiss and, at that moment, Harry took the wrist of the hand that the boy had in his erection and pulled it away from him. 
After that, he took the other wrist of the brunette, who looked at him confused as he did not understand what he was trying to do.  When he saw the confused face of the other young man, the taller one gave a small laugh and moved his hands, causing the shorter's arms to move at the same time.  He flexed the blue-eyed's arms on either side of his head, his hands above it, and held his wrists tightly.  Louis understood that Harry did not want him to move and, although with a little force he could manage to break the hold of the curly, he decided to stay still.  Allowing the tallest one to do what he wanted with him.

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